Huo Ye’s Little Wild Cat is Fierce and Cute

Chapter 1110 He Guaranteed As The Head Of The Lu Family

Jiang Suisui walked forward step by step, and everyone present showed defensive eyes.

With a sweet and innocent smile, her pink lips slightly raised, she said to the people in front of her:

"For the sake of the patriarchs of the four major families kneeling to me, I appear before your eyes mercifully.

However, if you plan to arrest me for shooting Lu Xiao twice, then I will not leave the X building~"

Everyone: "..."

If she didn't leave Building X, how could she go to the presidential palace and treat the president? !

"Are you really the Unbounded Miracle Doctor?" Ye Liting asked her, "Why, your appearance is not the same as Unbounded Miracle Doctor!"

Ye Liting felt that she was pretending to be a genius doctor without boundaries in order to avoid being imprisoned!

Jiang Suisui admitted frankly: "Before, I had been wearing a human skin mask.

The prison guards of your recidivist prisons have poor eyesight. They searched me, but they didn’t find me wearing a human skin mask. "

Ye Liting was silent... After a few seconds, he questioned Jiang Suisui again:

"How do you prove that you are the unbounded miracle doctor?!"

At this time, Lu Xiao spoke, and he said coldly:

"Jiang Suisui is indeed a genius doctor without boundaries!

As the head of the Lu family, I guarantee that everything I say is true!

If she wasn't Unbounded Genius Doctor, she wouldn't have been able to pull me back from the brink of death after I was shot twice. "

Those who came to the gate of X Building today included many people from Wuji who were on the Poseidon at that time.

Someone said: "This woman's medical skills are really good. I saw it with my own eyes when she rescued Patriarch Lu on the Sea God."

"Didn't Miss Ye be there at that time? Miss Ye, you should also be very clear that Jiang Suisui's medical skills are the best."

When someone called her name, the corners of Ye Sheng'er's lips twitched slightly...

She also felt that Lu Xiao's eyes fell on her, and Ye Sheng'er became even more nervous.

Jiang Suisui rescued Lu Xiao with his own hands, but Ye Sheng'er kept it a secret.

What she said to Lu Xiao was that the doctor on the Poseidon saved his life.

Lu Xiao's eyes swept across Ye Sheng'er indifferently.

With one hand on the ground, he almost exhausted all his strength to get up from the ground.

Lu Xiao made an invitation gesture to Jiang Suisui.

"Unbounded genius doctor, please follow me to the presidential palace."

Jiang Suisui walked forward calmly, suddenly, she seemed to remember something, and said again:

"Everyone of the four major families, if you have any doubts about my identity as the unbounded genius doctor, you can go to the presidential palace with me and watch me treat the president's illness with your own eyes."

As Jiang Suisui said, she followed Lu Xiao forward.

At this time, several convoys with the logo of the Presidential Palace came, and the black bulletproof armored car stopped firmly in front of Jiang Suisui.

The gray-haired old butler Qin Zhen, dressed in a decent gray-white suit, got out of the car.

He and the people in the presidential palace have heard Jiang Suisui reveal his identity to everyone.

Qin Zhen restrained the emotions in his eyes, and bowed respectfully to Jiang Suisui.

"Miss Jiang, please get in the car."

Jiang Suisui was unafraid, like the presidential palace in a dragon's pool and a tiger's den. She nodded to Qin Zhen and got into the car.

Lu Xiao walked in the direction of the Lu family's convoy. He was worried that Jiang Suisui would go to the presidential palace alone.

He intends to follow.

Ye Liting, Lan Xuanfeng, and Mrs. Gu got into the car one after another. They still had a skeptical attitude towards Jiang Suisui's being Unbounded Genius Doctor.

The convoy of the four major families, along with the convoy of the presidential palace, drove on the asphalt road.

The long convoy was mighty, and there were mounted policemen driving white motorcycles in front of them, clearing the way for them. This scene was particularly spectacular.


On a certain floor at the top of X Building, Huo Linxi put his hands in his trouser pockets, and looked at the asphalt road below X Building through the floor-to-ceiling windows.

He followed the direction of the road extension and looked towards the place where the presidential palace was located.

His gaze was cold and cold.

"Kacha", the black robot dog walked in.

"Report Master, Xiao Jiaojiao got into the car of the Presidential Palace, and she is on her way to the Presidential Palace."

Huo Linxi twitched the corners of her lips, Xiaojiaojiao was the nickname given to Jiang Suisui by the robot dog.

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