Huo Ye’s Little Wild Cat is Fierce and Cute

Chapter 1114 She has been blind for four years, how could she be an unbounded miracle doctor!

Before Jiang Xixi finished speaking, she was slapped across the face.

The slap was too loud, too crisp.

Jiang Xixi was stunned, she just felt that she was dreaming? ?

If this is not a dream, how could such a thing happen in reality?

Immediately afterwards, another slap fell on Jiang Xixi's other face.

There was a sound of applause, and Jiang Xixi was slapped, her face turned to one side.

A few strands of hair were scattered on her face, and in the next second, the cheeks on both sides of the slap swelled up symmetrically.

"..." Jiang Xixi didn't speak, she was stunned!

It took a few seconds for her to realize that she was beaten by Jiang Suisui!

How dare Jiang Suisui slap her? !

This move completely overturned Jiang Xixi's worldview!

"You dare to hit me?"

As soon as Jiang Xixi made a sound, Jiang Suisui slapped her hard on the forehead again!

Jiang Xixi's jaw hit her chest, and her lower teeth hit her upper teeth.

She was in pain, and when she looked up again, Jiang Xixi roared angrily: "Jiang Suisui, why did you hit me?!"

"It's up to you to poison my patient." Jiang Suisui's voice was cool.

Jiang Xixi laughed, "Patient? Are you a doctor? What kind of patient do you have? You framed me in front of the President because you were jealous of me!"

Jiang Suisui raised one of her hands, Jiang Xixi thought she was about to be beaten again, she subconsciously hid back.

However, Jiang Suisui just motioned to the old housekeeper and gave her another disinfectant wipe to wipe her hands.

She slapped Jiang Xixi in the face, touched something dirty, and her hands were also dirty.

While wiping his delicate fingers, Jiang Suisui said:

"Butler Qin, please tell this idiot who I am!"

Qin Zhen raised his head, frowned, and stared at Jiang Xixi with a cold face:

"In the past few days, where have all the rules you learned in the presidential palace gone?! Uneducated stuff! Apologize to the unbounded genius doctor!"

Jiang Xixi froze in place, she looked around.

She covered her swollen face and said incomprehensibly:

"I didn't offend Miracle Doctor Wujie, and Miracle Doctor Wujie is not here..."

Qin Zhen, the old housekeeper who has always been elegant and decent, growled at Jiang Xixi:

"The unbounded genius doctor is right in front of you! Why are you so stupid?! You poisoned the president, was exposed by the unbounded genius doctor, and you are still sophistrying in front of her!!"

Listening to Qin Zhen's words, Jiang Xixi's eyes widened, and her eyes slowly moved to Jiang Suisui's body.

Jiang Xixi's pupils vibrated! !

"" She opened her mouth, but couldn't make a complete sound.

"Impossible!!" Jiang Xixi yelled, how could Jiang Suisui be a genius doctor without boundaries!

She pointed at Jiang Suisui, and shouted to Qin Zhen and the people from the four major families standing around:

"Don't be fooled by her!! She's a fake! There's no way she's an unbounded miracle doctor!!"

Jiang Xixi wanted to rush to Si Wenyuan and cry out for herself, but she was afraid of the powerful aura emanating from Si Wenyuan.

All she could do was stand still and shout to the people around her:

"You sure don't know! This woman has lived in the countryside since she was a child, and she didn't even finish elementary school! When she was in junior high school, she handed in blank papers every day!

Jiang Suisui, she went blind when she was 14 years old! After that, she ran away with an old man in his 50s outside!

She committed herself to a middle-aged wealthy businessman outside at the age of 14, and she was blind for 4 years! It wasn't until this year that she regained her eyesight. How could she be the famous unbounded genius doctor! "


[See you at noon tomorrow! 】

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