Huo Ye’s Little Wild Cat is Fierce and Cute

Chapter 1116 Don't Call Her Mommy!

"You still don't admit that your ability to mix fragrance is half-baked?"

Jiang Suisui asked coldly, her voice obviously didn't mean to be mocking, but it made Jiang Xixi flush with shame.

"Maybe you don't even realize that the perfume base you randomly added on the workbench, and then blended with Baimeixiang, will produce harmful toxicity to the body.

Your intermediate perfumer's certificate was originally bought through the back door!

Half bucket of fools! You must have told people everywhere in the presidential palace that you learned from my mother, Jiang Li, and that you learned to make perfume from my mother.

But in fact, when my mommy wanted to teach you how to blend fragrance, you didn't want to learn at all.

You think my mommy is disfigured, her face is so ugly, you don't want to get close to her at all, when you see her face, you will vomit and scream! "

"Ah!!" Jiang Xixi's lips were pinched with silver needles, and now she couldn't speak at all.

Now, she just wants to beg Jiang Suisui.

do not talk! do not talk! !

Jiang Xixi didn't dare to look at Si Wenyuan's expression at the moment.

Of course she knew how much Si Wenyuan cared about Jiang Li. This man would never allow anyone to show any disrespect to Jiang Li.

"At the beginning, you said that once you saw my mommy's face, you would have nightmares, and you even wanted to drive mommy out of Jiang's house!

You said that there is a ghost living in the Jiang family. This is not a good comment on the Jiang family. You disliked my mom so much back then.

My mommy has never talked to you once, and she is also afraid that she will scare you. Whenever she sees you at home, she avoids and hides.

Jiang Xixi, you said you learned how to make perfume from my mommy, you are just farting!

You are the one who is lying! It was you who made the poisonous perfume and murdered the president of Wujizhou! "

With a plop, Jiang Xixi fell to her knees, with her hands on the ground, looking at Si Wenyuan with tears streaming down her face.

She couldn't speak, so she could only shake her head desperately at Si Wenyuan to tell Si Wenyuan, don't believe Jiang Suisui's words.

Jiang Suisui turned around, and she took out the needle that was originally stuck on the back of Si Wenyuan's hand.

After the man took the detoxifying pills, the bleeding from his nasal cavity also stopped.

Jiang Suisui asked him: "Is Jiang Xixi your personal perfumer?"

In front of her, Si Wenyuan suddenly became honest.

"Not anymore."

Jiang Xixi was listening, her whole body shaking violently.

Si Wenyuan's gloomy gaze fell on Jiang Xixi.

In an instant, Jiang Xixi only felt that the surrounding air was completely deprived!

She couldn't breathe, and she was sweating coldly all over her body!

"It turns out that you still have the remaining Baimeixiang." Si Wenyuan smiled coldly, "Hand over Jiang Li's Baimeixiang, and you can die!"


Jiang Xixi only begged Si Wenyuan to let her go, and she hit her head on the floor.

The sound of "bang bang bang" sounded in the living room, and soon, the ground hit by Jiang Xixi's head was stained with blood.

The people in the living room looked indifferent and turned a blind eye.

Jiang Suisui held Si Wenyuan's hand and felt his pulse.

She asked him, "Where did you get my hair sample for the paternity test?"

When this matter was mentioned, Si Wenyuan's eyes fell on Zong Yue.

His voice suddenly became cold, "Qingfeng said, you gave Zong Yue three hairs of your own."

Jiang Suisui turned his head and followed Si Wenyuan's line of sight.

Zong Yue looked helpless.

Jiang Suisui understood instantly that the three hairs that Si Wenyuan got from Zong Yue's hand must have been robbed and stolen.

No wonder Zong Yue was so speechless.

She shrugged her shoulders and asked herself as if she was talking to herself: "I'm not your daughter, so whose daughter would it be?"

Si Wenyuan's voice became cold and evil: "You are not my daughter, so you have no right to be called Ah Li's mommy!"

Jiang Suisui raised his eyes, staring at him with clear eyes: "Jiang Li is my mommy."

In an instant, Si Wenyuan became irritable, and fire burst out of his black eyes!

"She's not!! You're not my daughter, and you can't be her daughter!"

Jiang Suisui lowered his eyelashes and only smiled slightly, "The truth we know now is based on the one-sided words of that scumbag Jiang Dinghui.

To prove whether Jiang Li and I are related by blood, you can use Jiang Li's hair for identification with me.

I heard from my fourth brother that you have been keeping my mommy's body..."

Before Jiang Suisui finished speaking, Si Wenyuan forcibly interrupted him.

"Don't call her mommy!" Si Wenyuan roared, like a rioting beast, he slammed Jiang Suisui's hand away.

"Don't you want Ah Li to lose a hair!!"

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