Huo Ye’s Little Wild Cat is Fierce and Cute

Chapter 1125 The Hero Sad Beauty Pass

Si Wenyuan's gloomy gaze swept over the heads of the four major families present.

Ye Liting's throat moved, wanting to speak, to say something to Si Wenyuan.

But at this moment, Si Wenyuan's eyes were too frightening, which made Ye Liting choose to shut up obediently!

Si Wenyuan laughed abruptly, he pulled up the corners of his lips, and on his handsome face, he smiled wickedly.

The bloodstains flowing down from his cheeks were bright red and glaring, and his smile was terrifying!

"Before the murderer who planted the bomb is found, all of you are suspects!"

Only then did Ye Liting exhale, "My lord president, how can you think of us so much?!"

Si Wenyuan only ordered them, "Go back, stay at home, and don't go anywhere until the suspicion on you is cleared!"

Ye Liting pursed his lips, the nerves under the corners of his lips twitched slightly.

The bomb on the road of the Presidential Palace was not set by him, because this kind of bomb attack was too blatant. For a sophisticated politician like Ye Liting, he would never do such an obvious thing that would be suspected by Si Wenyuan.

However, Ye Liting felt a little regretful that the bomb buried under the road was used on Jiang Suisui.

The terrifying power caused by that bomb would be great if it could kill Si Wenyuan.

But Ye Liting thought about it again.

Jiang Suisui died outside the presidential palace, and he could find something to use in this matter.

Ye Liting took Ye Sheng'er and left.

They sat in the Ye family's exclusive car, and when they passed another road outside the presidential palace, Ye Liting was a little terrified.

Originally, they wanted to call a helicopter to pick them up, but the Presidential Palace is a no-fly zone, so Si Wenyuan directly contacted them to walk back.

Ye Liting breathed a sigh of relief when the vehicle they were in was safely away from the presidential palace.

He asked Ye Sheng'er, "After Lu Xiao went out, why didn't he return to the presidential palace? Did he go back in the Lu family's car?"

Ye Sheng'er said: "Jiang Suisui's death hit Brother Xiao very hard. He originally wanted to follow the forensic doctor to the police station to wait for the autopsy results. But his body couldn't hold on, and he fell into a coma on the way to the police station. up.

The people of the Lu family hurriedly sent him back to the Lu residence. "

Ye Liting sighed softly, "Heroes are saddened by beauty."

Ye Liting's words made Ye Sheng'er a little unhappy.

She is also a beauty, why doesn't Lu Xiao look at her directly? !

Ye Liting thought of something, he suddenly sighed:

"It's good that Jiang Suisui died outside the presidential palace! If Lu Xiao can turn against Si Wenyuan because of this incident, it will be interesting!"

And this is exactly what Ye Liting expected.

Ye Sheng'er took a deep breath, before she deliberately leaked the news that Jiang Suisui was in the Lu family, and led the people from the presidential palace to arrest him, just to create conflicts between the presidential palace and the Lu family.

Now, finally because of another matter, Ye Sheng'er got her wish.

Ye Sheng'er murmured softly: "Yes, it's really good that she died~"

Ye Sheng'er was looking forward to Jiang Suisui's death the most, and it can be said that Jiang Suisui's death was well deserved!

The way she died was so perfect, it caused Si Wenyuan to be alone, and after that, Si Wenyuan would fall into the trouble of being dealt with by Lu Xiao!

"Dad, that bomb..." Ye Sheng'er mentioned the bomb again,

Ye Liting immediately said: "Hey! Would your father do such an obvious thing!"

Ye Sheng'er muttered, "Who would have done that?"

It wasn't the Ye family, and it probably wasn't the Lu family. Ye Sheng'er didn't know who else would be able to plant a bomb on the road outside the presidential palace.


The members of the four major families have all dispersed.

The bodyguards in the presidential palace also evacuated from the living room.

The huge living room became empty.

Si Wenyuan was alone, sitting on the scarlet sofa.

The lamp on the ceiling of the living room was broken by Luo Junhe. The servant planned to clean up the debris and replace the lamp, but was kicked out by Si Wenyuan.

Si Wenyuan sat on the sofa alone, with his back arched and his hands and elbows resting on his legs.

He lowered his head, the living room did not turn on the lights, only the sunlight coming in from the window fell on him.

After a long time, Si Wenyuan turned his head, and he saw himself in the window glass.

The scratches on his face from the fragments of the lampshade were no longer bleeding.

The dark red blood coagulated on his face, making him look like a lonely but scarred vampire.

He lowered his eyelashes, his gaze was cold.

He took out a small bottle of perfume, opened the cap of the perfume bottle, and sniffed the perfume in the glass bottle.

Suddenly, his brows furrowed sharply, and Si Wenyuan realized that he could no longer smell the fragrance of white plum in the perfume bottle! !

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