Huo Ye’s Little Wild Cat is Fierce and Cute

Chapter 1128 Who Will Help Me? I'm going to give birth!


Jiang Xixi's cry gradually weakened and turned into a painful whine, like a dying beast neighing in mourning.

The doctor did not give her anesthesia, but directly used an eye supporter to forcefully open her eyelids. When she was awake, she let her watch helplessly as one of her corneas was removed!

Tears, sweat, and blood stained her twisted and swollen face, making her face extraordinarily terrifying.

The severe pain caused her brain to go blank, and the veins burst from under the skin on her forehead.

She screamed and gasped violently, to no avail.

Before Jiang Xixi recovered, she heard the doctor who removed her cornea say to the nurse beside her:

"Put her cornea in the toilet and flush it away."


A moan came out of Jiang Xixi's throat. She wanted to stop these people, but her hands, feet, and even her neck were bound. She was powerless to stop her corneas being taken away.


Why? !

Why do you do this to her?

Why had to take her cornea and flush her cornea down the toilet? !

Suddenly, Jiang Xixi felt that her stomach was being pulled hard by an invisible hand!


She exhaled in pain, feeling the heat.


She opened her mouth wide, her whole face flushed to the color of a pig's liver, and the wailing sound overflowing from her throat was as harsh as killing a pig.

"I... I'm going to give birth!"

After her cornea was removed, her fetus was inflated, causing the fetus to want to come out of her belly.

But the current situation is not the best time for production at all.

After the doctor reported to the people above that Jiang Xixi was about to give birth, they left the operating room.

"Who will help me?? I'm going to give birth!!"

With a hoarse voice, Jiang Xixi begged for help from the people around her.

She couldn't see anything, but she could hear the automatic sliding door of the operating room being opened.

She heard the footsteps of doctors and nurses moving away from her.

Jiang Xixi wanted to reach out her hand to catch them back, but she couldn't move.

The next moment, she was hit by a frenzy of pain!

She was lying on the operating table alone, howling and screaming, no one came to help her, she could only be alone, suffering from great pain!

And production is a long process, one hour, three hours, five hours have passed...

Jiang Xixi's whole body was soaked, and the blood overflowing from her eyes, mixed with tears and sweat, covered her entire face.

The blood, which was diluted into pink, flowed down her chin and into her neck and neckline.

Because of the birth, there was a steady stream of blood flowing down from the operating table. The thick blood meandered along the corners of the operating table and the cracks in the tiles on the floor.

This is a temporary operating room in the presidential palace. After the doctors and nurses left, the power in the room was cut off.

Jiang Xixi gave birth lying in this cold room like a morgue.

After more than ten hours, Jiang Xixi suddenly felt her whole body relax, and she heard the baby's low cry.

Did she give birth to the child?

Jiang Xixi was lying on the operating table, panting heavily, the pain in her body made her hands and feet twitch and convulse.

After an unknown amount of time, she noticed that the restraints binding her limbs were loose, and she broke free from the restraints.

After resting for nearly an hour, Jiang Xixi slowly got up from the operating table.

She reached out to hug her child.

She circled her child tightly.

At this moment, her child has become her life-saving straw again!

Her cornea was removed by the people from the presidential palace, and she had already lost the chance to get close to the president.

All she wants now is that she can leave the presidential palace and Wuji continent.

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