Huo Ye’s Little Wild Cat is Fierce and Cute

Chapter 1139 Si Wenyuan kicked that robot dog away

The X building has a radius of ten miles, and it has always been a no-fly zone. Even the planes that take off from the airport have to bypass the X building when flying over Wujizhou.

But now, for the first time, three helicopters are flying around the X building. These three helicopters are monitoring the situation in the X building.

In the black armored bulletproof car, Si Wenyuan was sitting on the sofa. He closed his eyes, as if meditating.

The blue sky light poured on Si Wenyuan's face.

Under the cold, temperatureless sunlight, his face was stunningly handsome, like a majestic but unapproachable god.

What Jiang Suisui said to him echoed in his ears. His hands on his knees were clenched into fists, and veins appeared on the back of his hands.

He didn't know what fear and fear were like. Even when he saw Jiang Li's body, he had never experienced fear or fear.

He also knew that he was an extremely cold-blooded person, and it was Jiang Li who gave birth to a tide of love from the bottom of his dry heart, but the love he had was only so much.

He poured all his little love, all his love and affection, into Jiang Li.

However, Jiang Li never loved him, that woman would rather die than stay by his side!

Although Si Wenyuan was confident, after he got to know Jiang Li, all the opposite sex around Jiang Li were driven away by him.

In this world, no one of the opposite sex can come into contact with Jiang Li!

Even the 70-year-old Qin Zhen who has served Si Wenyuan for a long time, Si Wenyuan only allowed Qin Zhen to speak five sentences with Jiang Li every day, and asked Qin Zhen and Jiang Li to always keep a distance of more than 1 meter.

Jiang Li will never have the chance to meet other men! !

But that woman was so powerful, Si Wenyuan couldn't rule out the possibility that Jiang Li would give birth to another man's child.

As soon as he thought of this, he felt that his body had turned into a bottomless abyss, and all his emotions, including his internal organs, were falling down.

So, is this the emotion of fear and dread?

After a long time, Qin Zhen stood outside the car door and reminded Si Wenyuan, "President, two hours have come."

Si Wenyuan opened his eyes, and a cold air gushed out from the dark and gloomy pupils.

At this time, the black robot dog creaked out.

"Is Old Dog Si here? The results of your paternity test are out.

Si old dog? If I don't appear in front of my lord within 10 seconds, I will destroy the paternity test papers! "

The black robot dog stood outside the revolving doors of Building X, broadcasting to hundreds of guards with guns.

Si Wenyuan pushed the car door open, he got out of the car, strode towards the black robot dog with long legs.

Seeing Si Wenyuan walking towards it, the robot dog barked twice, and then announced to Si Wenyuan:

"Si Laogou, X Medical Laboratory - Blood Department, used your hair sample and Jiang Suisui's hair sample to conduct a genetic test, and the test results showed:

You are not her father. "

Si Wenyuan only felt that thunder sounded in his ears.

A huge hole was blasted in his chest, and there was a whizzing cold wind passing through his pierced chest.


The black robot dog laughed twice.

"I lied to you~"

A piece of A4 paper was spit out from its body, and Si Wenyuan's pitch-black eyeballs rolled down, and his sight fell on the end of the A4 paper.

The A4 paper reads:

According to the identification of X Medical Laboratory - Department of Blood, Si Wenyuan and Jiang Suisui are biological father and daughter.

"Fuck!" Si Wenyuan kicked the black robot dog away! ! !


【Ha ha ha ha! Has anyone been frightened~Si Laogou Happy April Fool's Day~]

Tomorrow's update time, adjusted to 6 pm! ! !

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