What Ye Sheng'er said did not get a response from Lu Xiao.

Lu Xiao looked dignified, his face was pale, and it was hard to hide his weakness. However, his golden pupils were covered by haze.

The scars in the chest cavity continued to send out labor pains, and Lu Xiao endured it abruptly without making a sound.

He supported his crumbling body and walked forward.

Ye Sheng'er quickly chased after her.

"Brother Xiao, where are you going?"

Lu Xiao got into his car, and Ye Sheng'er quickly bent down and got into the car.

Lu Xiao frowned deeply, and slightly lifted his dry and bloodless thin lips.

"I'm going to the hospital to see how the President is doing now."

Ye Sheng'er said, "I'll go with you."

Lu Xiao ignored Ye Sheng'er, he knew that the Ye family had always wanted to pull Si Wenyuan off his horse.

When Lu Xiao thought that Jiang Suisui was killed by Si Wenyuan, he also had the same thought.

But when he confirmed that Jiang Suisui was Si Wenyuan's daughter, he no longer felt disobedient to that president.

That great president will become his father-in-law.


Two kilometers away from X Building is the best hospital in Wuji Continent.

Jiang Suisui got out of the car and walked towards the VIP elevator when she was stopped by the presidential palace guards who were already guarding the hospital.

Huo Linxi didn't say a word, but only showed the "Medal of Promise of Glory" in his hand.

The guards of the Presidential Palace saw the Promise Medal of Glory and could only obediently give way.

Jiang Suisui traveled smoothly all the way. While waiting for the elevator to go up, she asked Huo Linxi:

"The elevator is fine, why did it explode?"

Huo Linxi said: "Explosives were installed on the top of the elevator."

"Has the person who installed the explosives been caught?" Jiang Suisui asked again, but Huo Linxi didn't answer her immediately.

The man was silent for three seconds.

Jiang Suisui looked at her man from the reflection in the elevator.

Huo Linxi said with a stern expression: "I will handle this matter properly."

The two fingers intertwined, and Jiang Suisui felt that the man's palms were sweating.

Her heart trembled, and she felt particularly keenly that Huo Linxi's emotions at the moment were a little unusual.

Did this man encounter any difficult problems?

However, doubt and bewilderment only flashed through Jiang Suisui's mind.

She believes in all the decisions of this man and will fully support them.

"Ding!" With a sound, the elevator door opened, and Jiang Suisui and Huo Linxi walked out together.

At the door of the operating room, they saw the elderly Qin Zhen.

Qin Zhen, 70 years old, has always been neat and decent in suits and leather shoes.

But now, the suit on his body was wrinkled and covered with a lot of dust.

Jiang Suisui also noticed that there was a deep crack on the left lens of Qin Zhen's rimless glasses on the bridge of his nose. This old man no longer looked as energetic as usual.

Moreover, before approaching Qin Zhen, Jiang Suisui could smell the bloody smell on his body.

In the long corridor, the smell of disinfectant was strong.

But Jiang Suisui could smell that a large puddle of blood had fallen on the ground at the door of the operating room.

The pool of blood had been wiped clean by the nurse and sprayed with a lot of disinfectant, but it still couldn't escape Jiang Suisui's sensitive sense of smell.

"How is my daddy?" Jiang Suisui asked.

Just as Qin Zhen opened his trembling lips, the door of the operating room opened, and a nurse in a blue isolation gown hurried out.

"The President has lost a lot of blood, and now he urgently needs a blood transfusion! The RH-null blood bags in the blood bank have all been used up."

Through the transparent goggles, the nurse looked at Qin Zhen with extreme despair.

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