Huo Ye’s Little Wild Cat is Fierce and Cute

Chapter 1181 Sui Sui, try to lie to me again! !

The researchers were particularly surprised when they saw Huo Linxi's latest blood test data.

They don't understand what's going on.

Why all of a sudden, the C73 virus in Huo Linxi's body weakened by 3%? ?

"Madam Suisui, has Mr. Huo taken any medicine recently?"

The researchers in the X building, after knowing that Jiang Suisui is an unbounded genius doctor, worshiped her even more.

Jiang Suisui said: "Three days ago, I gave Master Huo the first version of the antidote for the C73 virus produced by the 1002 laboratory.

Unexpectedly, this version of the antidote really has an inhibitory effect on the C73 virus. "

Jiang Suisui looked at Huo Linxi's blood composition analysis report, and her face was also stained with a happy smile.

The researchers exclaimed, "We heard that the 1002 laboratory has made a breakthrough in the research of the C73 virus, but they are not willing to cooperate with us.

Madam Suisui, how did you get the antidote from Lab 1002? "

Jiang Suisui said calmly: "This version of the antidote was given to me by Lu Xiao."

As soon as she finished speaking, she felt the atmosphere around her suddenly change, and the air in the room instantly froze!

Jiang Suisui turned around and saw Huo Linxi standing outside the laboratory.

There was a gloomy and unruly aura on the man.

The researchers in the laboratory quickly fell silent, and they quickly turned around to do other things.

Jiang Suisui walked towards Huo Linxi.

She glanced at Gu Wan who was standing behind Huo Linxi.

Gu Wan was dressed in a black and white lady's suit, and she looked capable and neat. She wore black-rimmed glasses, giving the impression that she was a business beauty without warmth.

At this time, Huo Linxi's voice fell into Jiang Suisui's ears.

"When did you give me the C73 antidote?"

Jiang Suisui answered him in a crisp voice, "Three days ago, I fed you a mouthful, and you drank the rest yourself."

There was a chill in the man's dark eyes, he pulled the corners of his lips and smiled self-deprecatingly.

"At that time, you lied to me."

Jiang Suisui looked at Huo Linxi calmly.

"I won't lie to you, are you willing to take the antidote?"

Huo Linxi's eyes were cold, he looked at Jiang Suisui for a long time, and murmured:

"Why is Lu Xiao willing to give you the antidote? What deal did you make with him? What did you promise him?!"

Standing in front of Huo Linxi, Jiang Suisui felt that he was wrapped in a chill.

"Lu Xiao and I have a life-threatening friendship. In order to repay my life-saving grace..."

"Jiang Suisui!!" Huo Linxi let out a low growl, the king's coercion swept through the audience, abruptly interrupting her words.

"Try to lie to me one more time!"

Jiang Suisui lowered her eyes, she didn't go to see Huo Linxi.

The breath emanating from Huo Linxi made the legs of the researcher in the laboratory tremble.

Jiang Suisui didn't answer Huo Linxi's words anymore. Now, she can't give Huo Linxi the answer.

"Linlin, then tell me the truth."

Jiang Suisui raised her head, her eyes fell on Gu Wan.

"This woman came all the way to Wuji Continent to find you, why is she?

My mother-in-law asked her, what news did she bring to you? "

"Miss Jiang."

Seeing that Jiang Suisui mentioned herself, Gu Wan opened her mouth.

"My master gave the young master news, you have no right to ask.

Without the master's knowledge, you gave him a drug that hasn't been tested on humans.

Don't you worry, the antidote developed by the 1002 laboratory will bring side effects to the young master's body? "


[There is another chapter around 7 o'clock]

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