Huo Ye’s Little Wild Cat is Fierce and Cute

Chapter 1213 Huo Linxi is covered in blood!

In the monitoring room of the research institute, someone saw Jiang Suisui's movements, and the monitoring staff looked astonished. He put his hands on the table, almost sticking his face on the monitoring screen.

What the hell!

How did their incomparably noble fifth lady inject the contents of the petri dish into her body? !

Is this worth it? !

The monitoring personnel immediately notified the director of the institute.

The director of the institute and other researchers rushed in one after another.

"Miss Fifth, what are you doing?"

"Fifth Miss, how could you inject the C73 virus into your body?

Even if this is a virus that has been detoxified, no one can guarantee whether the inactivated virus of C73 will cause harm to your body! "

The director of the institute almost wanted to kneel down to Jiang Suisui!

If this matter gets to Si Wenyuan's ears, everyone in their research institute will suffer catastrophe!

Jiang Suisui put down the empty needle, "We can't cultivate the antidote in other people's bodies, so we can do it in my body.

It was my own will to go my own way and insisted on injecting the inactivated virus of C73 and the antidote ingredients into my body to cultivate the antidote.

I am Miss Fifth of the Presidential Palace, I can protect you from Daddy's hands, you don't have to worry.

Originally, I had not much time left.

Next, I tested my heart rate and pulse every hour, and took a blood test every 6 hours to monitor the combination of the C73 virus and the C6 virus in my body. "

Jiang Suisui calmly explained to the people in the research institute what they were going to do, and as soon as he finished speaking, Jiang Suisui's face quickly turned pale!

She was sitting on a chair, her whole body was shaky, as if she was in a freezer.

"Don't let this news out. You also know that I injected myself with the antidote medium of C73. The more people know about this, what kind of results you will face!"

Jiang Suisui's voice was a little colder, and her teeth chattered unconsciously!

She found that her physical strength and body temperature were rapidly losing.

It turned out that the person who made the C73 antidote would have such a big reaction?

But this was much better than the feeling that she often tried various poisons on herself.

Her body is inherently highly resistant to toxins, and Jiang Suisui predicted that she would be able to survive the discomfort caused by the culture medium for the C73 antidote.

She gritted her teeth and didn't say a word. A few minutes later, Jiang Suisui fell down without a sound!

The past few days have been here day and night, and yesterday's mess with Huo Linxi has already emptied her body...

She had a long, long dream, and she had this dream more than once.

In the dream, she was walking on the burning battlefield, the flames were everywhere, and the air was filled with the pungent smell of burning.

She walked aimlessly in the devastated battlefield, as if she was looking for something.

Finally, she met Huo Linxi.

The man was covered in scars and covered in blood.

Bright red blood flowed down from one side of his forehead, the blood pooled in his eye socket, and then flowed down from the corner of his eye...

"Linlin..." she exhaled.

The man's cold, emotionless eyes stared at her.

When Jiang Suisui reached out to him, Huo Linxi suddenly turned into a raging beast and rushed towards her!

The opponent opened his white fangs and bit her neck off!

She was like a fawn being strangled by a ferocious beast. After struggling a few times with her slender limbs, she completely died!



[I found that some people don't understand why Sui Sui insists on being a medicine man. If she doesn't work as a medicine man for Master Huo, who will do it? 】

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