Huo Ye’s Little Wild Cat is Fierce and Cute

Chapter 1236 Now, let me take care of you

The water mist curled up, and the sound of water flowed down.

Countless small drops of water kept falling down along the tiles on the wall.

Jiang Suisui wanted to wash Huo Linxi's hair, but she had to keep her arms raised above her head, and Jiang Suisui felt really uncomfortable.

"Linlin, would you like to sit in the bathtub?"

she asked.

The man in front of him only stared at Jiang Suisui with his dark eyes, but he didn't respond to her a word.

Jiang Suisui could only pull the man directly into the bathtub.

Following Huo Linxi's movements, the iron chain made a rattling sound.

Jiang Suisui asked Huo Linxi to sit down in the bathtub, but he kept standing still.

She simply sat down by herself, and Huo Linxi immediately bent her legs, sat down in front of Jiang Suisui, and looked at her.

Jiang Suisui squeezed shampoo into her palm and rubbed it on Huo Linxi's hair.

Huo Linxi lowered her head, her dark and deep gaze fell on Jiang Suisui's collarbone.

He stretched out his hand, brushed his fingertips along the straight collarbone of the other party, and used his fingertips to trace every inch of Jiang Suisui's skin.

Snow-white foam formed on Huo Linxi's hair.

While washing his hair, Jiang Suisui muttered:

"In the past few days, I have been thinking that this is the arrangement of God.

When I was blind, I was taken care of by you for four years.

Although you said, troublesome, and still despise me, but you feed me, help me dress, and everything about me is not left behind.

It was my first menstruation, and you thought I was bullied and injured by the servants. In a fit of anger, you punished all the servants in the house.

At that time, Bai Ye had just returned from abroad, and he was still jet-lagged, because he didn't answer your call in time, so you sent Ada to drag Bai Ye directly from his apartment all the way to our house.

At that time, I didn't know why I was bleeding.

But I know where I am bleeding, but in front of Bai Ye, it is hard to tell.

In the end, Bai Ye finally figured out that I was menstruating.

He laughed at you, but you beat him up mercilessly, and you threw him out of the window.

At that time, all the maids in the family were punished by you, and all of them were sick in bed, unable to move.

Ah Da, Ah Er, they are men again.

So, you learn how to use sanitary napkins now, and then teach me how to use them.

You fed me brown sugar water, you rubbed my stomach, I rolled on the bed in pain, and you were busy with work again.

You just carried me to the study, put me on your lap, and rubbed my belly while having a meeting. "

Speaking of the past, Jiang Suisui's eyes were filled with watery light.

The past between her and Huo Linxi, recalled, was so beautiful.

Jiang Suisui poured all the foam from his hands onto Huo Linxi's head.

On his head, a "mountain of poop" was piled up.

With a quiet and gentle voice, she said to Huo Linxi, "Now, I will take care of you!"

Huo Linxi didn't know that Jiang Suisui used snow-white foam to pile a "mountain of poop" on his head.

He played with the little white rabbit in his palm, having a great time.

Jiang Suisui remembered what she had said to Huo Linxi before.

She said she would like to be a little fool who doesn't know anything.

She believed that the omnipotent Huo Linxi would definitely be able to get the antidote for the C6 virus and detoxify her.

But now, Jiang Suisui is glad that he didn't become a fool first.

Huo Linxi has taken care of her for four years, she doesn't want to be a burden and encumbrance to this man anymore!

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