Huo Ye’s Little Wild Cat is Fierce and Cute

Chapter 1243 Jiang Suisui Smells of a Smelly Man!

Zong Yue sat on the sofa, feeling a little tense.

Hearing someone ask, he raised his head, smiled wryly at Dingdingmao, "I'm fine."

Even Zong Yue himself was shocked, he didn't even see Huo Linxi's face.

But I felt, as if the gates of hell had opened, and the eerie and cold breath climbed from my ankles all the way to the back of my neck in an instant!

In an instant, goose bumps popped up on his body.

It wasn't until Jiang Suisui coaxed Huo Linxi back into the room that Zong Yue felt that he was alive again.

The air in the room began to circulate normally again, Zong Yue thought it was funny after he took a breath.

Huo Linxi is too scary now!

Before he realized what happened, he felt that he was already on Huo Linxi's execution list.

But maybe this is what the real Huo Linxi should look like.

In the past, Huo Linxi was restrained by his rationality as a human being, so he restrained his violence.

And he was originally a killer!

Zong Yue got up, he walked forward, and said to Ding Ding Mao and the others in a friendly and polite way:

"Are you willing to take my order? I'm going to take Master Huo and Sui Sui on a private plane, and we will arrive in Country Y in about ten hours.

But now, Master Huo is more dangerous than a tiger. I need your help in case of emergency. "

Ding Ding Mao was very straightforward: "Although this order is very risky, I accepted it!"

After she finished speaking, she looked at Jiuweihu and Shen Jiashu.

Nine-tailed fox responded: "I'll take this order too! Escort Master Huo to Country Y, and when Master Huo returns to normal, we, the Unbounded Alliance, will be his benefactors~ This deal has more advantages than disadvantages for the Unbounded Alliance. "

Shen Jiashu also nodded.

He was only worried about Jiang Suisui's comfort, and he had to follow him on this trip to Country Y.


As the evening approached, Huo Linxi single-handedly tore down the deformed door of the room.

He came out of the room with titanium alloy shackles on only one hand, and the iron chains on the shackles extended to Jiang Suisui's wrist.

She tied herself and Huo Linxi together.

The others stayed in their rooms for the time being.

Jiang Suisui led Huo Linxi to the direction of the private jet.

Zong Yue's private jet has been converted into three parts, cockpit, front cabin and rear cabin.

There is a cage that occupies half of the engine room in the rear cabin.

Jiang Suisui opened the iron door of the cage and led Huo Linxi inside.

The cage is not monotonous, there are carpets, fruits, and various snacks.

After Jiang Suisui locked the iron door of the cage, she sent Zong Yue a message.

As soon as the others approached the private plane, Huo Linxi became vigilant.

Jiang Suisui threw herself on Huo Linxi's back and hugged his head.

She covered Huo Linxi's eyes with her little hand.

"Lin Lin, they won't hurt us, don't look at them! Look at me!"

Jiang Suisui slid from Huo Linxi's back into his arms like a snake.

She sat on Huo Linxi's lap, blocking Huo Linxi's sight with her body!

Shen Jiashu, Dingdingmao, and Nine-Tailed Fox boarded the private plane one after another.

Huo Linxi's red pupils were full of hostility!

In his body, the surging blood seemed to burst through the blood vessels!

He wants to kill, wants to tear these people apart! !

Dang Zong stepped into the cabin.

Huo Linxi smelled the smell of the smelly man who was on Jiang Suisui just now!

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