Huo Ye’s Little Wild Cat is Fierce and Cute

Chapter 1257 The Queen of Hades has three thousand beautiful men!

Jiang Suisui and the others followed Mrs. Jinwei into the open-air venue where the blood alliance meeting was held.

Before they came, the group arena had already started.

Jiang Suisui sat in the audience seat and looked in the direction of the ring.

Jiang Suisui can clearly see the people who are competing in the arena without using the large screens on the left and right sides of the arena.

The group arena of the Clan Alliance is not one-on-one, but many-to-many.

Each gang organization selects its own elite to play. There is no minimum number of people in the arena, only a maximum of 12 people are allowed to enter the stage.

The two organizations fight each other in front of everyone, and they won't win until they eliminate their opponents.

Jiang Suisui looked over the dueling crowd in the arena, and she noticed a middle-aged man with an outstanding appearance sitting on the rostrum.

On the rostrum, there was more than one handsome man sitting.

But all the men sitting on the podium are unreasonably handsome! !

Dingdingmao and Nine-Tailed Fox looked at the rostrum with binoculars.

"Wow! Is this an international men's team?

Depend on! Different races, different ages, what kind of styles are available! In our black world, is there an organization with such a face value? ! "

Nine-Tailed Fox was also amazed, "Are they still doing odd jobs in their organization? I'm willing to pay my wages and lick their handsome faces every day!"

Mrs. Jinwei smiled, and the wide sun hat cast a shadow on the upper half of her face, covering the emotions in her eyes.

"Sitting in the middle of the rostrum is Mo Chenxiu, the head of the Mo family.

Among the men on his left and right sides, only two or three had something to do with gangs in the underworld.

But these people have one thing in common.

They are all Mo Yun's men. "

Ding Ding Mao whispered: "Mrs. Mo is so awesome! Is Mrs. Mo planning to publish a book on how to catch men?! I want to buy ten books!"

Nine-Tailed Fox also sighed, "The Queen of Hades is indeed the Queen of the Black Realm! It's really not a rumor that she has three thousand beautiful men!"

Mrs. Jinwei raised one corner of her lips, and she smiled slightly, "Mo Yun is with Mr. Huo. After receiving EQ, she indulged herself."

Jiang Suisui's voice was soft and low, and she murmured: "She has so many men, but she seems to have never gotten the one she wants the most."

Hearing Jiang Suisui's words, Mrs. Jinwei couldn't help turning her head and glanced at her.

Everyone is envious or disgusted by Mo Yun's actions, but only Jiang Suisui sees the essence of Mo Yun's flashy life.

That woman, there are so many men around her, but she still has nothing!

Mo Yun lost the one she loved the most. From then on, all the men who came to her and treated her well were not the ones she had been attracted to.

Soon, Jiang Suisui saw Ye Qinglan leading the master of the Ye Clan onto the ring.

Sitting in the center of the rostrum, Mo Chenxiu, the Patriarch of the Mo family, narrowed his eyes slightly.

After the Ye Clan people stood on the ring, there were countless gangs, clamoring to compete with the Ye Clan.

Mo Chenxiu said: "Since so many people want to compete with the Ye Clan, let's go together!"

Mo Chenxiu wears glasses with golden frames. He has three-dimensional features and is extremely handsome.

Jiang Suisui saw some traces similar to Huo Linxi's on his face.

This is probably atavistic inheritance, right?

Mo Chenxiu was supposed to be Huo Linxi's uncle.

After Mo Chenxiu spoke, the fighting spirit of the gang below was high, and many people jumped onto the ring directly.

A small round walnut table was placed on the ring, and a vintage carved walnut chair was also placed.

Ye Qinglan sat on the teacher's chair.

His subordinates brought the tea tray and poured the tea that had been brewed in the teapot into the cup.

The expression on Ye Qinglan's face was as cold as frost.

He turned his head to reveal the turquoise earrings with red tassels on his ears. His face was set off to make it more charming and feminine.

"Ye Qinglan! You killed Mu En, the leader of the Vajra Gang, outside the arena. You violated the rules of the dungeon!"

Ye Qinglan ignored the clamoring people, his knuckle-like fingers were like jade carvings, and he clung to the purple sand teacup.

It seemed that he and those murderous people were in two worlds.

Those people raised their guns and attacked Ye Qinglan from a distance of more than ten meters!

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