Huo Ye’s Little Wild Cat is Fierce and Cute

Chapter 1268 From birth to death, they only belong to each other!

Seeing Jiang Suisui's actions, Mo Yun asked with a smile, "You don't want to see Linxi get detoxified, and he returns to normal?"

Jiang Suisui uttered a soft but firm voice:

"Madam Mo Yun, I would rather Linxi always looks like this.

Rather he would be tortured by C73 poison and go mad to death!

I will not give him up to any woman!

The love between men and women is different from the joy between men and women, love is selfish! It is to take the other party as your own!

Now that I have identified Huo Linxi, Huo Linxi will only belong to me until he dies!

Moreover, I believe that Linxi and I have the same idea.

If today, it was me who was poisoned, and only other men could detoxify me, then Linxi would make the same decision!

Besides, Linxi has already put her life in my hands.

I don't need Gu Wan to detoxify him, he must have the same thoughts as me! "

Jiang Suisui knew very well how Huo Linxi would choose in such a situation.

She will never give up her man to another woman!

Even in the name of Huo Linxi's good.

If she really did this, Huo Linxi would no longer be her Huo Linxi!

She will suffer, and Huo Linxi will suffer too.

Jiang Suisui's thoughts at the moment are extreme.

Instead of letting two people fall into pain together, why don't they die with happiness in each other's arms!

It was also good for her to be buried by Huo Linxi.

From birth to death, they only belong to each other!

Jiang Suisui stretched out his hand and interlocked his fingers with Huo Linxi's.

"Mrs. Mo Yun, since you have no other way to detoxify, please excuse me!"

Mo Yun crossed her legs and leaned on the sofa. She curled up one finger and lazily supported her head.

"Jiang Suisui, do you think this place of mine is where you can come and leave whenever you want?!"

Jiang Suisui didn't respond to Mo Yun's words.

She turned around, stood on tiptoe, and kissed Huo Linxi's lips.

While kissing each other, she pushed a pill into the man's mouth.

After Huo Linxi swallowed the pill, Jiang Suisui slightly left his lips.

She touched the other's lips once and for all, and murmured softly:

"Linlin, let's get out of here~"

Snow-white smoke diffused from the small bellows in Jiang Suisui's palm.

An explosion occurred in Mo Yun's master bedroom, Huo Linxi hugged Jiang Suisui and jumped out of the window!

At this time, the entire underground city began to shake!

Jiang Suisui raised her head, and she saw a gray crack appearing in the blue sky, as if someone had torn the sky open with bare hands!

Sure enough, the sky in the dungeon is artificial, it's just a huge concrete sky!

Outside the dungeon, Zong Yue, who had already changed into a combat uniform, was sitting on a tank, and tanks beside him were heading towards the dungeon.

Mrs. Jinwei and Duke Chris drove towards the airport.

Duke Chris glanced at his mobile phone, and he cried out.

"Mommy, Zong Yue united with the other five countries to bombard the dungeon!"

Duke Chris had an expression on Zong Yue's face that he was going to die.

"The queen of Hades is not only powerful in the underworld, but our imperial concubine is also hers.

Not to mention that the monarch of Country Y has a close relationship with the Queen of Hades. "

Mrs. Jinwei leaned on the back of the sofa chair, she turned her face and looked out the car window.

"I asked Zong Yue a long time ago, isn't he afraid of taking serious consequences? Guess what Zong Yue said?"

"Well, what did he say?"

Mrs. Jinwei let out a breath and sighed:

"That's his sister."

For the sake of your loved ones, what is there to be afraid of going through fire and water?


The dungeon was bombarded, and the whole dungeon was thrown into chaos.

There are many gangs who want to leave the dungeon, and some gangs gather together to take the opportunity to attack Babylon Garden!

Mo Yun originally ordered people not to make any resistance to the people outside the dungeon who bombarded them.

She mobilized all her hands to hunt down Jiang Suisui and Huo Linxi.

However, when she learned that there were many gangs in the dungeon who were about to break into Babylon Garden, Mo Yun suddenly realized that she had been cheated! !

Jiang Suisui had already planned a retreat for himself.

She cooperates with people outside!

The bombardment outside was not aimed at destroying the entire dungeon.

When the people in the dungeon discovered that this place would soon be destroyed, the dark side of human nature was brought out.

Today, there are hundreds of gangs from the black world gathered in the underground city.

People from outside are attacking the dungeon, and they also want to take this opportunity to break into the Garden of Babylon and search for it.

The artillery fire outside must be aimed at the Queen of Hades.

As long as they capture the Queen of Hades, maybe they can make a deal with the outsiders and let them let them go.

Various gangs attacked Babylon Garden, and Mo Yun had to allocate more than half of his staff to deal with those who broke in.

And this fell right into Jiang Suisui's arms!

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