Huo Ye’s Little Wild Cat is Fierce and Cute

Chapter 1270 He won't let Si Wenyuan take this woman away again!

Zong Yue clenched the handle of the umbrella tightly. He asked the people under his hand to bring in a new boat. He wanted to go into the water himself to find his sister!

And on a certain highway, a black extended Lincoln was driving in the rain.

Ye Qinglan propped his forehead, he closed his eyes, and rested leisurely.

In front of him was a mobile stretcher with two people lying on it.

Jiang Suisui and Huo Linxi were soaked through, and they wore oxygen masks on their faces.

The two in a coma were inseparable, and Jiang Suisui was held tightly in Huo Linxi's arms.

The people of the Ye clan just tried so hard, but they couldn't separate the two of them.

They can only let these two people lie on a stretcher bed.

After a while, Ye Qinglan opened his eyes, and his eyes fell on Jiang Suisui.

He stretched out his hand, with bony fingers, brushing away the wet hair on Jiang Suisui's forehead.

He stared at Jiang Suisui's face.

She and Jiang Li really look alike...

Jiang Suisui had already taken off the human skin mask, and Ye Qinglan judged from the clothes Jiang Suisui was wearing that this woman was the pretty young boy he met in the dungeon during the day.

And he recognized Jiang Suisui's face.

Jiang Suisui, the little princess of Wuji Continent.

Ye Qinglan originally thought that Jiang Suisui would be kept in Wuji Continent by Si Wenyuan forever.

Unexpectedly, after she disguised herself, she would appear in the dungeon together with Huo Linxi.

Now that Jiang Suisui came to him.

He will never let Si Wenyuan snatch this girl away again!


Jiang Suisui just felt that she had a long dream.

In the dream, she returned to Jiang's house from the countryside. She followed Jiang Li and learned a lot.

The life in the dream was extremely fulfilling, and with Jiang Li's company, she forgot all her troubles.

However, she always felt that she was missing something.

Something was missing from her, causing a certain corner of her heart to always be empty.

Soon, Jiang Suisui remembered.

In her dream, Huo Linxi was missing!

Jiang Suisui opened his eyes abruptly, his dark pupils were staring at the unfamiliar ceiling.

Jiang Suisui got up immediately, and she found herself sleeping on a luxurious big bed.

She lowered her head and glanced at her clothes.

The white floral lace nightdress, the fabric is very comfortable, and I don't know who changed it for her.

Where is this?

Jiang Suisui found himself in a very strange room.

She got out of bed and was about to go out when the door of the room was pushed open from the outside.

Subconsciously, Jiang Suisui looked in the direction of the door.

When she saw the person walking in from outside the door, Jiang Suisui was completely stunned!

She sat back on the bed with a plop, staring at the woman who walked into her with wide eyes.

"Are you awake? Do you feel uncomfortable?"

The woman's voice was exceptionally gentle.

Her voice overlapped with the voice Jiang Suisui heard in his dream.

This woman's voice is exactly the same as the voice in Jiang Suisui's memory!

Seeing Jiang Suisui's eyes widened, the woman stared at herself for a moment.

She tilted her head, showing a puzzled expression.

"Eh? What's wrong? Is there something on my face?"

Jiang Suisui even forgot to breathe.

She opened her mouth, and pulled out a startled voice from her throat:


Who is the woman who appeared in front of her if not Jiang Li? !

The woman in front of her looks exactly like Jiang Li!

This woman's voice and expression are no different from the Jiang Li in Jiang Suisui's memory!


Isn't her mommy dead?

Jiang Suisui had seen Jiang Li's body and even stole Jiang Li's hair for a paternity test.

The person lying in the underground freezer of Li Palace is her mother.

But in front of him, who is the person who looks exactly like Jiang Li? !


【who is it? who is it? Who is she~ Say good night first, and continue tomorrow]

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