Jiang Suisui nodded to her, she took Jiang Li for a drive, just to find the exit to leave Yezu Manor.

Since other entrances and exits were impassable, Jiang Suisui was facing the cliff, so she decided to take a risk!

Of course, if she took the risk, she couldn't implicate Jiang Li.

Jiang Suisui said: "I'll take you for a ride, so I can only go here. Next, you have to get out of the car and walk back."

Jiang Li asked curiously, "Sui Sui, do you want to drive a jeep alone?"

Jiang Suisui didn't speak, she was still calculating how many meters to accelerate to drive the jeep to the other side smoothly.

Jiang Li said, "Sui Sui, let's go there together!"

Her tone was firm.

Jiang Suisui froze for a moment, she looked at Jiang Li, "Miss Jiang, do you want to come with me?"

Jiang Li, who was sitting in the co-pilot, was very excited, she nodded heavily.

"I really want to go outside, let's just drive the jeep and fly over this cliff!"

Jiang Suisui reminded her, "The success rate is about 92%."

"I believe in you!"

Jiang Li looked into her eyes, which were shining brightly.

Jiang Suisui was startled, her lips parted slightly, as if a warm current poured into her heart.

"We have just met, and you are willing to give your life to me?"

When she asked Jiang Li, her heart was beating.

Jiang Li nodded without thinking.

She reached out and took Jiang Suisui's hand on the steering wheel.

She looked at Jiang Suisui with trust and expectation in her eyes.

"I don't know why, I think Sui Sui is someone who can be trusted!

I have a strong feeling that you will be able to take me across this cliff! "

Jiang Li's voice was sweet, and Jiang Suisui remembered that when she first returned to Jiang's house, her mother had encouraged and trusted her so much.

The back of Jiang Suisui's hand was covered by Jiang Li's palm.

She felt the warmth from Jiang Li's palm, and it came from her.

It's like someone is supporting her behind, so that she has no worries.

Jiang Suisui nodded to Jiang Li.

"Okay, I'll take you there! If you don't succeed, you will succeed!"

Jiang Li laughed, and she grabbed the handle above the car window with one hand.

Jiang Suisui stepped on the accelerator, and the jeep started to accelerate!

When the pointer on the dashboard points to the maximum speed, the jeep soars into the sky!

The army green jeep drew a perfect arc in the air, and finally landed steadily on the other side of the cliff.

Jiang Suisui raised the corners of his lips, continued to step on the accelerator, and the jeep sped away!

Jiang Li screamed excitedly, like a canary leaving its cage.


Jiang Suisui was driving a jeep on the driveway.

Jiang Li lay on the car window, squinted his eyes, and looked at the scenery outside the window.

There are green wheat fields on both sides of the road, and tall windmills are turning huge fan blades in the wheat fields.

The breeze came slowly, brushing away the broken hair on Jiang Li's forehead, and she breathed in the fresh earthy breath.

Along the way, Jiang Li and Jiang Suisui were not bored. Jiang Li talked to her about his life in the Ye Clan, and Jiang Suisui talked to her about the outside world.

The more Jiang Li listened, the more fascinated she became. Only now did she know that the outside world is completely different from the life in the Yezu Manor.

She really wanted to go to the bustling world that Jiang Suisui said.

Near noon, they arrived in the town of Westin, the sky was gray and it was raining.

Jiang Suisui looked out of the rain-soaked window, she suddenly remembered something, and asked Jiang Li:

"Do you have any currency with you here?"

Jiang Li opened the messenger bag he was carrying, and Jiang Suisui saw a stack of banknotes inside.

Only then did Jiang Suisui realize, "Did you want to come out with me a long time ago?"

Jiang Li smiled sweetly at her, "I grabbed a lot when I came out, is this enough for us?"

Jiang Suisui is not very clear about the purchasing power of the local currency. She speculates that the price of goods in such a remote town should be relatively low.

They got out of the car and found a small restaurant, intending to fill their stomachs first.

The two looked at the menu together and pointed at what they wanted to eat at the same time, Jiang Li discovered that she had exactly the same taste as Jiang Suisui!

They ordered a pizza, a vegetable salad, and two identical drinks.

While the two were eating, Jiang Suisui heard the waiters in the restaurant chatting.

"Today I want to leave work early, the town will not be safe at night."

"I also want to get off work earlier, otherwise we will tell the proprietress to close the shop earlier.

Recently, there are always bears infesting, and the business of our restaurant at night is much weaker. "

"It's been seven days, and the bear hasn't been caught yet?"

"The bear that appeared in our town this time is much more ferocious than those big bears before!

The day before yesterday, that bear killed a whole bear team, my God, it was terrible! "

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