Huo Ye’s Little Wild Cat is Fierce and Cute

Chapter 1299 She once failed Ye Qinglan

"My uncle, leave it to me to kill! You don't need to do it!"

Before Jiang Suisui finished speaking, he had already walked around Huo Linxi.

Among her five fingers, there are small crimson balls.

The moment those four small balls fell, scarlet smoke rushed towards Ye Qinglan!

Ye Qinglan jumped off the side of the elevator, and after he landed, he asked Jiang Suisui in a cold voice:

"You don't want the antidote anymore?"

Jiang Suisui stood on the elevator, and shouted at Ye Qinglan below:

"When I capture you alive, I'll stick a needle in your head and force you to take out the antidote!!"

Dare to torture her husband and use her husband as a test subject? !

Jiang Suisui didn't care whether Ye Qinglan was related to her by blood.

This man is in her hands, he will not die or be disabled! ! !

Ding Ding Mao saw that Jiang Suisui was dealing with Ye Qinglan alone, she asked:

"Shall we go over and help?"


Huo Linxi coldly rejected Ding Ding Mao's proposal.

However, Ding Ding Mao was still a little relieved, "But... Ye Qinglan is not easy to deal with."

Huo Linxi's voice was proud, "My wife is invincible for me!"

Dingdingmao looked up, and she saw a smile flashing in Huo Linxi's long, narrow, dark eyes.

His wife stood out for him, and he was proud of it!

During the fight, Ye Qinglan clasped Jiang Suisui's hand, and said:

"I don't want to fight with you, Sui Sui, I don't want to hurt you!"

Jiang Suisui held a silver pistol in his hand and pointed it at Ye Qinglan.

"Then you just stand here obediently and pay the price for hurting my husband!"


The silver bullet flew out, and the bullet was smeared with poison by Jiang Suisui. Once it hit the human body, the toxin on the shrapnel would spread into the blood!

However, the moment the bullet hit Ye Qinglan, the bullet was shredded by invisible threads!

The moment the sharp thread cut the bullet, the entire bullet exploded in the air!


The bullet exploded, and Ye Qinglan noticed that the dust from the explosion might be poisonous.

He covered his nose with the cloak he was wearing.

The brim of the cloak covered half of his face.

So that the dust produced by the explosion will not be inhaled into his nasal cavity.

At this moment, Jiang Suisui suddenly heard the sound of bullets piercing the air!

Where did the bullet come from?

Just when she had this question in her heart.

"Pfft!" With a sound, a bullet pierced Ye Qinglan's shoulder from behind.

Because he was using his hand to block the poisonous dust attacking him, the bullet that penetrated his shoulder hit Ye Qinglan's elbow again.

Ye Qinglan's whole body trembled.

His right arm seemed to be twisted off by life, the whole arm was in severe pain, and he lost consciousness!

In an instant, blood gushed from his shoulders and arms. He was wearing a black cloak, and he couldn't see anything from the outside.

Only Ye Qinglan knew that hot blood was constantly flowing down his back.

Half of his body is in a state that is beyond his control.

Ye Qinglan turned around slowly.

The strong wind on the tarmac knocked off the cape covering his head.

A few strands of fine hair on his forehead were blown up by the wind.

But part of the hair has been soaked by the sweat oozing from his forehead.

Under the scorching sun, the warm wind did not bring him the slightest warmth. It was as if his whole body was in an ice cellar.

Standing behind Ye Qinglan was Jiang Li.

Jiang Li held the gun in both hands, and she still maintained the posture of shooting just now.

Jiang Li's pupils were filled with firm emotions.

She didn't shoot this shot unintentionally, and she didn't regret this shot!

After shooting, Jiang Li panted lightly, and she saw Ye Qinglan's face pale in an instant.

His whole body, like being deprived of the breath of the living, was instantly reduced to a zombie who could only stay in the damp and dark! !

Ye Qinglan's dark eyes were trembling slightly.

The strong wind blows, and the dark red tassel earring on his left ear.

The thin tassels were blown onto his face by the wind.

Against his pale snow-like skin, the dark red tassels were like bloodshots exploding from Ye Qinglan's skin!

Ye Qinglan never imagined that Jiang Li would shoot him!

He knew that Jiang Li had appeared behind him.

Because it was Jiang Li, he didn't take precautions.

When he was concentrating on dealing with Jiang Suisui, Jiang Li fired a shot from behind him!

This woman's marksmanship was taught by him.

The gun in this woman's hand was given by him!

That gun was made by him after drawing the blueprints.

He asked Jiang Li to use the same gun all the time for practice.

In this way, when she keeps the gun by her side for self-defense, it will be easier for her to use the gun when she is in danger.

So far, Jiang Li has this gun with him, and it has never been used for self-defense.

Who would have thought that the first time she shot at a living person, she aimed at Ye Qinglan!

"Qinglan, you are enough!" Jiang Li shouted at him:

"Why do you want to hurt your old husband?

Why would you hurt innocent people? !

It turns out that last week, the explosion in the laboratory was because you arrested Huo Linxi for experimentation.

You told me that it was just an explosion caused by improper storage of chemicals in the laboratory.

The entire Ye Clan speaks with one voice, and they have kept me so dead! "

Jiang Li asked him word by word:

"Ye Qinglan, tell me, am I the only one who was hidden in it?

You don't let me know what the outside world is like. I always thought that you were doing it for my own good.

However, the entire Ye Clan has concealed countless things from me.

do i really have a sister What is the relationship between me and Sui Sui?

What is real? What is fake? Ye Qinglan, you and others, do you really think of me as a member of the Ye Clan? ! "

Jiang Li shouted:

"I feel like I'm living in a huge lie, and there are countless little lies in me..."

Jiang Li's gaze towards Ye Qinglan was no longer so determined.

There was wavering emotion in her pupils.

She was serious and shouted to the man in front of her:

"I want to see the outside world with Suisui!"

As Jiang Li said, she backed away.

She pointed the gun in her hand at her head.

She watched Ye Qinglan's every move and let herself go around this man.

"I believe that this is my first time, and it will be the only time, to go to the outside world, you can't stop me!

I want to find the answer myself, instead of waiting for you to tell me!

But I also promise you, Qinglan... I will come back after I have seen the outside world..."

Ye Qinglan's gaze followed Jiang Li's movement.

The blood flowing down from his body has formed a small pool of water at his feet.

The strength in his body was also flowing out with the blood, but Ye Qinglan could no longer take care of his injuries.

What hurt him more than the injuries on his body were the words Jiang Li said to him!

His face was as pale as paper, and his handsome face was like a fine porcelain that would break in a second.

He said:

"You once... told me so..."

Jiang Li froze for a moment, "What?"

This was the first time she had said such things to Ye Qinglan, why did Ye Qinglan say that she had said it before?

Jiang Li noticed that the man was watching him with extremely complicated emotions.

Those emotions surged like huge waves, making Jiang Li feel flustered and at a loss.

Why did Ye Qinglan look at her with such eyes?

It seemed that she had already failed Ye Qinglan.


[Today is just one chapter, Chitose take a rest, see you tomorrow night! 】

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