Huo Ye’s Little Wild Cat is Fierce and Cute

Chapter 1307 Mrs. Lu, please dance with me

Lu Xiao looked at "Jiang Suisui" standing in front of him, he lowered his eyelashes, and a slight smile overflowed from his amber pupils.

Jiang Suisui is like this, as if he is protecting a calf.

She cared about him and didn't allow other women to approach her. Lu Xiao was happy to see such a scene.

Ye Sheng'er clenched her hands into fists, and when she was about to attack Jiang Suisui, she thought of something and forcibly endured it.

Ye Sheng'er relaxed the expression on her face, turning anger into a smile.

She raised her head and looked at Lu Xiao, with a little more obsession in her eyes.

"Tonight, I want to dance with Brother Xiao."

Lu Xiao put on a reckless look, "I only dance with my wife."

In Ye Sheng'er's dark pupils, emotions were rising like a bubbling swamp.

"Brother Xiao, you can dance several dances with different people tonight, and you donate one of the dances to me, isn't it okay?"

Ye Sheng'er's words were extremely humble.

People around were sighing softly, Ye Sheng'er was still so persistent to Lu Xiao.

Lu Xiao didn't respond to Ye Sheng'er's words, his eyes fell on the person standing in front of him.

"Sui, what do you think?"

He handed over Ye Sheng'er's request to Jiang Suisui to make a decision.

The person standing in front of Lu Xiao didn't even turn his head, "Jiang Suisui" said coldly in front of Ye Sheng'er:

"My husband will only dance with me from the beginning to the end, Miss Ye, please stay on the other side where you are cooler!"

Jiang Suisui's words were very rude, her voice was not loud, but many people around were paying attention to them, so that these people could hear what she was saying to Ye Sheng'er.

Someone was sighing, why didn't Ye Sheng'er hit the south wall and give up.

Some people also think that Jiang Suisui is too disrespectful to Ye Sheng'er. She is the eldest lady of the four major families.

The ball is about to begin, and the symphony orchestra plays music.

Lu Xiao called softly: "Sui Sui."

"Jiang Suisui" turned his head, his fair and delicate face was bright and clear.

A faint smile appeared on Lu Xiao's deep and three-dimensional face, and he stretched out his hand to the person in front of him:

"Madam Lu, can you do me a favor and dance with me?"

"Jiang Suisui" looked arrogant, she turned around, raised her hand, and put her hand on Lu Xiao's palm.

Originally, "Jiang Suisui" had no interest in waltzing with Lu Xiao at all.

But Ye Sheng'er dared to rob him, so tonight he will dance with Lu Xiao from beginning to end in front of Ye Sheng'er!

In this way, he can make Ye Sheng'er so angry that he has a heart attack!

"Jiang Suisui" was full of mischievous emotions.

Lu Xiao took the slender hand of "Jiang Suisui" and walked towards the dance floor.

Ye Sheng'er watched the two of them step onto the dance floor, they danced lightly to the sound of the gorgeous symphony.

Her hands, hanging on the hem of the big skirt, clenched into fists.

Ye Sheng'er's fists were rattling.

She stared closely at every move of Lu Xiao and "Jiang Suisui", Ye Sheng'er's eyes seemed to burst into flames!

Brother Xiao, I gave you a chance just now, but you didn't cherish it yourself.

Ye Sheng'er said in her heart.

I thought I'd tell you what I was about to do.

I wouldn't do it at a party if you didn't agree.

But, you didn't give me a chance.

Not only did you fail to look at me, you let that disgusting impostor humiliate me!

Ye Sheng'er's chest heaved and he was furious.

Brother Xiao, you are the one who pushed me to this point!

Don't blame me for this way, get rid of the fakes around you!

The president's daughter, it's fine to occupy her beloved man!

But, this woman is a counterfeit! How could Ye Sheng'er bear this!


On the dance floor, Si Junjue stared at the hands held by Lu Xiao, his face was indifferent, and his dark eyes seemed to be covered by ice that never melted.

He raised his head and saw Lu Xiao staring at him for a moment.

The other party's gaze was too intense for Si Junjue to ignore.

From the crystal chandelier, the warm yellow light poured down and fell on Lu Xiao.

His amber pupils, illuminated by the light, shone like gems.

Si Junjue saw the smile in the other party's eyes.

In Lu Xiao's eyes, he seemed to be the only one there.

Si Junjue laughed in his heart.

This is his illusion.

Lu Xiao showed such eyes again.

Just like a fool, silly, he stared blankly at his face, which was exactly the same as Jiang Suisui.

Lu Xiao and Si Junjue looked at each other, and he felt the other party's cold gaze on his face.

He heard himself, in a low voice:

"I rarely see you smile at me."

Lu Xiao cleared his throat, and he said solemnly:

"Sui Sui, you used to always smile at me."

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