Huo Ye’s Little Wild Cat is Fierce and Cute

Chapter 1316 Let him be the last, take another look at that person

Si Junjue handed over his mobile phone to the Lu family's bodyguards:

"During my operation, you will keep my mobile phone."

The bodyguard didn't say a word, but took away Si Junjue's cell phone.

After Si Junjue got off the car, he was escorted into the hospital by the Lu family's bodyguards.

The top doctor in Wuji Continent is already on standby in the hospital.

After the nurse gave him a simple physical examination, he was asked to change into a plain hospital gown.

Si Junjue, who was wearing a blue and white striped hospital gown, was lying on a mobile hospital bed, and was pushed into the operating room by the nurse.

In the operating room, he saw Lu Xiao who was unconscious on another hospital bed.

He plunged into the knife in Lu Xiao's chest and applied anesthesia.

The anesthetic that directly enters Lu Xiao's blood can make Lu Xiao fall asleep for more than two hours.

Si Junjue raised the corners of his lips, with a calm and indifferent expression on his face.

He saw that the nurse took three doses of anesthesia and walked towards him.

"Master Junjue, this heart replacement surgery will last about two hours.

You will wake up in two and a half hours, please cooperate with us for the operation. "

After the nurse finished speaking, without giving Si Junjue a chance to react, she stuck the needle into Si Junjue's thigh.

After injecting the anesthetic, Si Junjue felt a little sleepy.

He blinked, his vision gradually becoming blurred.

After being moved to the operating table, he tilted his head and looked in the direction where Lu Xiao was.

Let him take one last look at that person...

But the doctor blocked Si Junjue's view.

Slowly, he lost consciousness...


Lu Xiao didn't know how long he had slept. At first, his ears were very quiet, but gradually, he could vaguely hear short conversations.

He seems to have heard someone say, "The operation went very well..."

He felt like he was falling asleep and couldn't wake up.

He was unable to open his eyes, and could only vaguely listen to the discussions of people around him.

Gradually, Lu Xiao's consciousness came back.

He remembered, wasn't he supposed to be in the banquet hall before he lost consciousness? !

He was supposed to attend the dinner party with "Jiang Suisui", and they danced together at the dinner party, that was an extremely good memory for Lu Xiao.

He remembered that on the way to the dinner, "Jiang Suisui" complained to him that she couldn't eat well at the dinner in such a tight dress.

Tonight, she must not have enough to eat.

Lu Xiao told her that when he returned to Lu's house, he would cook supper for her.

He saw the woman beside him, the corners of his lips curled up, her smile was sweet and pure.

The light outside the window coated "Jiang Suisui"'s face with a fluffy and soft halo.

She was beautiful under the cover of night.

Lu Xiao couldn't help stretching out his hand, and took "Jiang Suisui"'s hand on his lap.

He took the opponent's little hand into his own and squeezed it gently.

"Jiang Suisui" only clicked his tongue lightly, but he didn't take his hand away from Lu Xiao's.

Warm yellow lights alternated with dark shadows on "Jiang Suisui", she kept turning her head to look out the car window, without looking at Lu Xiao.

But Lu Xiao felt that he was very satisfied to be able to hold "Jiang Suisui"'s hand.

At that moment, he even hoped that time would freeze at this moment.

Let him indulge in this beautiful dream forever, and never...don't wake up!

"Blood oxygen drops 90, 85, 78..."

"The pacemaker is unresponsive."

"The rejection rate reached 52%, no way! He can't apply to this heart!"

Lu Xiao noticed that his ears were getting louder and louder!

What are these people arguing about, can they be quiet!

They are saying, whose heart cannot be applied?

Lu Xiao opened his eyes suddenly, and the bright shadowless lamp hurt his eyes.

The hustle and bustle of the voice in his ear became particularly distinct.

Lu Xiao turned his head slowly and saw several doctors and nurses busy.

He saw a person lying on the operating table one meter away from him.

The man was pale and his eyes were closed.

There was not a trace of blood on the man's lips, no matter how harsh the machine sirens around him were, the man remained indifferent.

He seemed to be in a deep sleep.

Lu Xiao stared at him blankly, feeling that the handsome man lying on the operating table next to him was like an angel descending from heaven...

The doctor wearing a medical mask took a deep breath. Holding a small flashlight, he pushed away Si Junjue's eyelids and took a look.

The doctor raised his head and looked in the direction of the electronic clock on the wall of the operating room.

He announced: "At 22:21, Si Jun's heartbeat stopped and the patient died."

The nurses are no longer as busy as before. They are orderly and tidy up the instruments in the operating room.

With two nurses, they transferred Si Junjue from the operating table to the mobile hospital bed.

Lu Xiao, who was lying on another operating table, slowly raised his hand in the direction of Si Junjue...

"Patriarch Lu, are you awake? How do you feel?"

The doctor who operated on him came up and asked attentively.

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