Huo Ye’s Little Wild Cat is Fierce and Cute

Chapter 132 This damn drug side effect!

"Master Huo, you are so amazing." Jiang Suishui almost called out the "Linlin", how could her family Linlin be so boring!

"Master Huo, what are you using to invade the surveillance network controlled by Cang Ming?"

"cell phone."

In Jiang Suishui's eyes, a little star is about to appear.

Her family Linxi is amazing!

The man felt the excited emotions on Jiang Suisui, and he was also infected by this emotion, and raised the corners of his lips.

"I can guarantee that within 20 minutes, Cang Ming will not find out that the monitoring network has been invaded by me."

"Master Huo, you are a genius!"

The corners of Huo Linxi's lips were raised, and he realized that something was wrong! !

After being praised by a man, what was he so elated? ? !

Huo Linxi gritted his back molars and put his other hand on the gun pinned to his waist.

I really want to shoot nine thousand years old!

How could he allow himself to be derailed.

Also cheated on a man!

"Master Huo be careful!"

Jiang Suisui suddenly spoke up!

Before Huo Linxi's consciousness could react, his body had already taken action.

His instinctive reflexes are unparalleled!

Several large-diameter bullets landed at his feet, and the bullets hit the floor tiles, making big holes one by one. The floor tile fragments and shrapnel together flew towards Huo Linxi!

He turned over and caught sight of the sniper/sniper hidden at a high place.

Huo Linxi drew his gun and shot at the sniper hiding on the second floor!

At the same time, in the corridor on the second floor, there were more than a dozen gunmen in full armor!

The hail of bullets is falling head-on!

Huo Linxi and Jiang Suisui rushed to the bunker at the same time to avoid.

Jiang Suisui heard countless gunshots coming from behind him.

In her mind, she could depict the trajectory of the bullet sliding in the air.

Such a large diameter bullet is difficult to obtain even for veterans who have been in the dark for many years.

And they have fired hundreds of bullets, indicating that these people have at least tens of thousands of bullets with extremely high lethality.

These people who attacked them are mercenaries!

Suddenly, Jiang Suisui heard the sound of "zizizi", she turned around and shouted to Huo Linxi:

"Get out of here!"


A loud noise drowned out Jiang Suisui's voice.

Jiang Suisui felt that she was being picked up by a person, Huo Linxi's chest was against her back, blocking the heat wave behind her!

The group of mercenaries detonated incendiary bombs indoors, Huo Linxi grabbed her hand and ran to a passage!

"Are you a dummy?"

The man's voice was cold and arrogant.

"Let me get out of here, why don't you run?"

"Uh... Ding Ding Mao doesn't have a monitoring map in his hand, how do I know which way to go."

Without Ding Ding Mao to guide her outside, she is indeed a headless fly in the research institute.

She heard the man sigh clearly.

Maybe it's a hassle to despise her.

"Come with me, but I advise you, don't try to snatch the artificial cornea from me. Once I find out, you have thoughts that you shouldn't have, and I will kill you!"

Huo Linxi's threat was like a lion, roaring at Jiang Suisui.

However, the majesty of the other party did not deter her.

"Don't worry, my mind is on Mr. Huo~"

Huo Linxi: "..."

The thought of a man saying such things to him made Huo Linxi feel sick.

But this man's voice, like Jiang Suisui's, has a magic power that can soothe his emotions?

Huo Linxi felt a chill in his heart again!

It must be the effect of love potion that gave him this weird illusion!

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