After nearly ten hours of flying, the private plane stopped on the tarmac of a private castle outside the suburbs of London.

Near the tarmac, someone was already waiting for them.

The evening wind blows over the woman's curly wine red hair.

It was raining lightly, and the servant standing beside her was holding an umbrella for her.

The strong wind blows the light rain into the umbrella.

The servant was about to shift the direction of the umbrella, but Eliza pushed the servant's umbrella away, and she ran in the direction of the private jet.

"Miss Eliza!"

The servant held an umbrella and chased after her.

Eliza was already rushing towards the person who was getting off the private jet.

Jiang Suisui was carried down from the cabin by Huo Linxi.

Because of the rain, the man covered his body with his coat and used the coat to shield Jiang Suisui from the rain.

Jiang Suisui, who was buried in Huo Linxi's arms, keenly heard the slightly familiar sound of footsteps and heartbeat.

She has the ability of photographic memory, as long as it is the footsteps and heartbeats that she has heard before, as long as it is someone she has met once, she can recognize the identity of the other person just by the footsteps and heartbeat.

Jiang Suisui turned her head, her eyes fell on Eliza who was running towards her.

When Eliza glanced at Jiang Suisui, she was attracted by the man holding Jiang Suisui.

This man is so good looking...

However, when Eliza was looking at Huo Linxi, the man didn't look up at him.

It was raining in the sky. Although Jiang Suisui couldn't get out of the rain, she didn't wear much clothes.

Her current body is very weak, and she is prone to catch a cold due to the coldness of the rain.

Huo Linxi hugged Jiang Suisui and passed Eliza directly.

Seeing that she was being ignored, Eliza turned her head suddenly, her eyes widened, and she looked at Huo Linxi's slender and straight back.

"Hey!" she called out, and chased after him again.

The woman in this man's arms must be Jiang Suisui!

What is the relationship between Jiang Suisui and this handsome man?

Why is there always excellent men around her?

"Jiang Suisui! You have finally come to country Y! You still have the face to come back!"

After being briefly dazzled by Huo Linxi's handsome face.

Eliza remembered again, she rushed here in the rain just to teach Jiang Suisui a lesson!

"Do you know that brother Zong Yue was imprisoned by you and went to jail!

Ginger is old! Apart from bringing endless disasters to Brother Zong Yue, what else can you bring to him! "

Eliza was yelling at her in French, and before Jiang Suisui could say anything, Huo Linxi had already stopped.

Scolding his woman, can this be tolerated?

The man turned around, his cold and dark pupils released an unfriendly edge.

As soon as Eliza came into contact with him, she was overwhelmed.

His eyes are so scary!

But he is also very handsome.

Eliza always thought that her elder brother Zongyue was already an outstanding-looking person among the Chinese.

Unexpectedly, there are such handsome Chinese in this world.

Suddenly, she was slightly taken aback, and a familiar feeling came to her heart. Why did she feel that this man looked familiar?

It seemed that she had seen this man when she accompanied her father to the economic summit.

Suddenly, Eliza remembered!

She did meet this man at the economic summit, but at that time, she only saw the man's profile.

At that time, he was more than ten meters away from her, and just like now, he passed by indifferently. Before Eliza had time to marvel, his peerless face had already disappeared from her sight.

Eliza recalled that at that time, the people at the summit were all discussing the man from Huaguo who had an astonishing appearance.

They said that the man from Huaguo was the president of the Huo Corporation, the youngest and most promising financial emperor in the world today!

The man holding Jiang Suisui is the president of the Huo Corporation in the eyes of politicians from all over the world—— Huo Linxi!

Jiang Suisui watched, and Eliza looked at Huo Linxi in a daze.

Just now, didn't he chase after Huo Linxi like a cannonball and scold her?

Why are you so stupid now, just staring at Huo Linxi, and forgetting what you came here for in the rain?

Eliza is fascinated by Huo Linxi's beauty.

Jiang Suisui was ignored, she coughed twice on purpose, her black jade-colored pure pupils were stained with a smile, and Xuenen's cheeks were tinged with bright red.

Hearing Jiang Suisui's cough, Huo Linxi covered the back of her head with her big hand, and pressed Jiang Suisui's face into his chest.

Jiang Suisui found that his face was stuck to the man's chest through the cloth.

She raised her eyes, smiled sweetly and said to Huo Linxi:

"You look like a male mother~"

Huo Linxi: "..."

If it weren't for the conditions, he could strip off his clothes and let Jiang Suisui come to breastfeed directly!

Where did she learn this vocabulary? ?

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