Huo Ye’s Little Wild Cat is Fierce and Cute

Chapter 1328 He almost mistook Jiang Li for Jiang Suisui

Jiang Li is skilled, and Ye Qinglan taught her fighting skills.

The servants around couldn't react in time, they saw that after being slapped by Jiang Li, Yi Lisa was kicked by Jiang Li again.

If it wasn't for the rain outside and Jiang Li was in a hurry to get back her luggage, she would have slapped Eliza in the face a few more times!

Eliza rolled on the ground several times, she frowned and cried out in pain.

Jiang Li didn't care about taking the elevator, so she took the stairs and rushed downstairs.

After the servants threw her clothes out of the window, they were all scattered in the dirt.

It had been raining all this time in London, and the soil was wet and swampy.

In order to get the clothes, Jiang Li stepped into the mud, and her feet sank directly into it, and it was difficult to pull it out.

With difficulty, she stretched her legs, bent down, and picked up the scattered clothes.

These clean clothes are now all dirty.

Just as she was bending over to pick up her clothes, suddenly a bucket of sewage poured down by the window on the third floor, drenching Jiang Li's whole body.

It was the servant who poured water downstairs, and Eliza stood by the window on the fourth floor, watching coldly, turning into a drowned Jiang Li.

She raised the corners of her lips proudly, but her face was already swollen, and her five sense organs hurt when she moved.

This woman beat her so hard, Eliza would never let it go!

"Eliza, are you sick?!"

Shen Jiashu saw that Jiang Li was poured a bucket of sewage by the servant downstairs, and he swears directly.

This bucket of water was not poured by Eliza's order, how could the servant dare to throw Jiang Li all over? !

"What happened?"

Dingdingmao and Nine-Tailed Fox, who were resting, came out when they heard the movement outside.

"Cang... Cangming? What's wrong with you?"

It was the first time Ding Dingmao saw Shen Jiashu's face turned black with anger, she was frightened by such a Shen Jiashu.

Nine-tailed fox looked out of the window, she was puzzled and said:

"Miss Jiang, what's wrong with you?!"

Jiang Li pouted off the sewage flowing into her mouth, she lowered her head and continued to pick up her underwear.

"I'm fine, I..."

Jiang Li thought that since she came out of the castle, she might not be able to go back.

After all, this was Eliza's castle, and the servants would not open the door without Eliza's permission.

She lowered her head and looked at the dirty clothes in her hands.

If she can't enter the castle, where can she go?

What's more, in her current state, not only are her feet covered in mud, but her body is also stained by mud.

It would be frightening for her to go outside like this.

The rain and the sewage on her head soaked her hair, and a few strands of hair stuck to Jiang Li's face again.

She staggered, pulling her feet out of the wet soil.

In order to pull out her own feet, all the shoes on her feet fell off.

The mud was too soft, Jiang Li didn't pay attention, he lost his balance and sat down in the mud.

This fall, the muddy water on the ground splashed all over her face!

A lot of clothes in her hands were scattered in the mud again, turning dark gray.

She puffed up her cheeks and let out a low breath.

Why is she so stupid!

Even picking up a piece of clothing can be so embarrassing.

For the first time, Jiang Li felt that he was alone and helpless.

In the past, when she was cared for by the Night Clan, such a thing never happened.

Jiang Li gritted his teeth, trembling, trying to get up from the ground.

It was her own choice to leave with Jiang Suisui.

No matter what she encounters in the outside world, she can only bear it by herself!

Nine-tailed Fox and Dingdingmao hurriedly ran downstairs.

At this time, Jiang Li vaguely felt that someone appeared behind him.

Sitting in the dirt, she turned her head and saw a gray-haired old man half a meter away from her.

This old man, wearing clean white gloves, held a large black umbrella with a delicate faucet handle in his hand.

The kind-hearted old man bowed and asked:

"Ma'am, do you need help?"

The sky was dark, and the rain was like layers of bead curtains, blocking people's sight.

Jiang Li's hair was in a mess. When she fell and squatted just now, the muddy water splashed her face.

The old man only saw that she had a pair of watery deer eyes.

Although her face was dirty, her eyes were clean and clear.


Qin Zhen almost mistook the person in front of him for Jiang Suisui.

But from the facial features of this woman, it was found that she was not Jiang Suisui.


Thunder suddenly exploded in the sky, followed by lavender lightning piercing the sky, briefly illuminating the surrounding scenery!

Jiang Li saw a man standing five or six meters away behind the old man.

The man was wearing a rain cloak, and someone was holding an umbrella for him.

He stood there far away, almost merging into the night.

The cold majesty and powerful aura spread out from this man.

At the moment when the lightning pierced the sky, he turned his head, and the long and narrow eyes covered with ice seemed to sweep across Jiang Li's face inadvertently.

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