Huo Ye’s Little Wild Cat is Fierce and Cute

Chapter 1332 Daddy or Huo Linxi?

"You." Si Wenyuan didn't reach out, and raised his chin to signal Eliza:

"Get out!"

Eliza: "..."

Before Si Wenyuan finished speaking and before Elisa could react, Qin Zhen let the two bodyguards who followed them go forward.

They grabbed one of Eliza's arms and shoulders, and took Eliza away.

Until Eliza was pushed to the gate, the cold wind and rain outside were blowing on her face.

Only then did she realize that Si Wenyuan was going to throw her out of the castle! !

"President Si! I am the daughter of Prime Minister Klein, and I am brother Zong Yue's sister! You can't do this to me, you..."

The emotion in Si Wenyuan's phoenix eyes became gloomy and cold again.

"She's so noisy, throw her away."


The screaming and struggling Eliza was dragged away by two bodyguards.

After Elisa's screams disappeared, Si Wenyuan opened his hand to Jiang Suisui again.

"Sui! This castle belongs to Daddy!

You can sleep well here, and you can let whoever you want come in!

Daddy won't let anyone get in your way! "

In Si Wenyuan's dark eyes, there was a tiny brilliance.

He looked at Jiang Suisui eagerly, showing his desire to "seek praise".

Jiang Suisui asked Dingdingmao and Nine-Tailed Fox to send Jiang Li up first.

She sweetly responded to Si Wenyuan:

"Thank you Daddy, Daddy is the best!"

Si Wenyuan: "!!!" Satisfied! For the first time in so many years, he experienced blissful emotions!

"Hello, Daddy, or Huo Linxi?" Si Wenyuan asked her.

On Jiang Suisui Xuenen's face, there was a slight smile:

"Daddy, don't ask such self-defeating questions!"

Si Wenyuan: "..."

He lowered his eyelashes, coughed softly several times, and looked at Jiang Suisui pitifully with misty eyes after coughing.

"Okay! Daddy doesn't ask! Daddy understands everything!" His tone was full of grievances!

Standing aside, Huo Linxi's hands were itchy.

I really want to fight Si Wenyuan!


Ding Ding Mao helped Jiang Li upstairs, and when he was walking towards the elevator, Jiang Li's eyes fell on Si Wenyuan.

Si Wenyuan thought that just now, it was this clay figurine who stole the attention of his precious daughter that should have been on him.

He glared at Jiang Li viciously.

What to see! !

Have you ever seen an old father who loves his daughter so much?

Jiang Li was taken aback by Si Wenyuan's hostile gaze.

This man is Si Wenyuan?

Jiang Suisui's father.

Another man from Jiang Li?

When she caught a glimpse of him inadvertently outside the castle, a strange feeling rose from Jiang Li's body.

At this moment, if it wasn't for Dingdingmao and Nine-tailed Fox supporting her, Jiang Li wouldn't be able to walk at all.

She entered the elevator with Dingdingmao and Nine-Tailed Fox.

After getting out of the elevator, Jiuweihu went to get his clean clothes for Jiang Li.

Jiang Li put the muddy clothes into the plastic basin.

"Miss Jiang, I put the clean clothes on the shelf."

Nine-tailed Fox reminded her, and Jiang Li finally came back to his senses, and thanked her.

Jiang Li closed the bathroom door, and she looked at herself in a mess in the mirror.

Only then did she realize that she was actually crying.

Why is she crying again?

Last time, just hearing the three words "Si Wenyuan", she burst into tears.

This time, seeing Si Wenyuan in person, she cried again.

A steady stream of tears rolled down, washing the dirty mud on his face.

Jiang Li was asking herself, what happened to her?

Why is it so sad and painful!

It felt like someone had ripped out a piece of my heart.

She had never experienced this kind of heart-piercing pain before.

But now, as long as she thinks of Si Wenyuan's name, and thinks of him, she will feel dense soreness in her chest, releasing it...

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