Huo Ye’s Little Wild Cat is Fierce and Cute

Chapter 1337 Why is the president always like this?

This was the first time Qin Zhen saw Si Wenyuan, even when he was asleep, there was a smile on his lips.

It was the first time he saw that this man showed a happy and satisfied expression countless times in one day.

When Si Wenyuan and Jiang Li were together, he never smiled so warmly.

It was Jiang Suisui who gave him the peace of mind he had never had before.

Let Si Wenyuan completely trust his daughter.

He believed that his daughter would not betray him.

Will not run away from him again and again.

When he opened his eyes again, his daughter would be by his side, and he, no longer, was alone!

So this time, Si Wenyuan slept very deeply.


After one night, Si Wenyuan woke up.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he immediately put one ear against the wall and listened carefully for any sounds in the next room.

"Cough cough cough!"

Qin Zhen came up, he squatted down, his eyes were level with Si Wenyuan.

"President, Miss Fifth and Master Huo are husband and wife after all, and the young couple sleeps together, so there will inevitably be some small fights.

You are always like this, listening to people's corners and peeking into privacy, this is not good!

Fifth Miss is an adult, she has her own private space. "

Qin Zhen persuaded Si Wenyuan in a low voice.

Usually, he would not dare to talk to Si Wenyuan like this, but after Si Wenyuan had eight hours of deep sleep, Qin Zhen knew that Si Wenyuan must be in a good mood now.

When Si Wenyuan was in a good mood, if he said these words to him, at least he would not be beaten by Si Wenyuan.

Si Wenyuan, who had half of his face pressed against the cold wall, gave Qin Zhen a gloomy look.

"You think I'm disrespectful, huh?"

"President, how old are you?" Qin Zhen just put on a smile, and Si Wenyuan said:

"I'm just disrespecting the old!" How about it? !

Except for Jiang Suisui, who in the world can do anything to him? !

Qin Zhen coughed lightly, and he persuaded patiently:

"President, you forced Miss Fifth to marry Lu Xiao, which caused a lot of estrangement between you father and daughter.

Although Fifth Miss won't mention it anymore, it's the previous matter.

But you also want to take care of yourself and develop a relationship with Miss Fifth.

If Miss Fifth knew that you were always listening in the corner, the intimate voice between her and Master Huo, if you overheard her, she would definitely be very shy.

At that time, the gap between him and the president will become wider and wider. "

Si Wenyuan was persuaded by Qin Zhen.

He came to country Y day and night, not because of some kind of sect or something!

It was his precious daughter who was willing to forgive him. He wanted to restore the father-daughter relationship with his precious daughter, that's why he came here!

"You mean, if I look like this, Sui Sui will hate me?"

Qin Zhen nodded emphatically, "If Miss Suisui finds out, don't say she hates it, at least she will be more or less embarrassed when facing you."

After Si Wenyuan was silent for a few seconds, he asked, "What is embarrassment?"

He never knew what embarrassment was!

Qin Zhen: "..."

The old housekeeper said earnestly to his own president:

"Once this person is embarrassed, she will avoid the person who made her embarrassed, Miss Fifth will avoid the President, and don't want to communicate with you any more.

In this way, between you father and daughter, how to resolve the knot and how to enhance the relationship? "

Si Wenyuan was silent for a few more seconds. He felt that what Qin Zhen said made sense.

He wants to be a good father!

He must not embarrass Sui Sui.

He wants to put Jiang Suisui's feelings first at all times.

Si Wenyuan no longer pressed his face against the wall.

He stood up.

Qin Zhen supported the wall with one hand and his waist with the other, and stood up.

He listened to Si Wenyuan, who seemed to be talking to himself:

"My baby girl has grown up, it's really not good for me to listen to the corner like this!

But I don't worry, can the guy who received a thousand knives take good care of my daughter! "

Qin Zhen: "..."

In Si Wenyuan's mouth, "the guy who suffered a thousand knives" should refer to Huo Linxi.

Now, Si Wenyuan seems to have a big enmity with Huo Linxi!

Then, Qin Zhen heard that Si Wenyuan was planning:

"I'm going to find a time to test the physical condition of that smelly man with my own hands.

If he can't reach the highest level of human beings, he doesn't deserve my precious daughter's bed! "

Qin Zhen: "???"

What is the president trying to do? ? !

The old butler, whose thoughts could not keep up with his boss Wen Yuan, asked after being dazed for a few seconds:

"President, what do you want to test Master Huo for?"

He was more concerned about what method Si Wenyuan would use to test it!

Si Wenyuan said to use his own hands...Could it be that he wants to use his own hands...

Qin Zhen moved his gaze to Si Wenyuan's hand...

His wise eyes, which had seen everything before, revealed a look of horror! !

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