Huo Ye’s Little Wild Cat is Fierce and Cute

Chapter 581 Wanting to kick her out of the finance department

"Boss, do you still need to learn this?" The assistant on the phone was obviously doubtful.

"I have never studied finance systematically, but it is still very interesting to listen to it."

Jiang Suisui discovered that the merger cases that Professor Song talked about on stage were actually several classic merger cases that Huo Linxi participated in five years ago and were written into textbooks and papers.

The students below listened with rapt attention.

In business school, Huo Linxi, the president of Huo Corporation, is a god-like existence.

Jiang Suisui held his cheek and listened to Professor Song's lecture.

She was multitasking, flipping through the finance textbook in her hand.

Twenty minutes later, Jiang Suisui finished flipping through the textbook and finished explaining Professor Song's case. She put on a Bluetooth headset and lay on the desk, busy with things on her phone.

Qiao Yian turned around and saw Jiang Suisui already lying on the table, seemingly asleep.

She thought it was funny.

Students from the Conservatory of Music will definitely not understand the professional terminology of the Finance Department. It is estimated that in a few days, Jiang Suisui will never be in the Finance Department again.

Jiang Suisui is really whimsical in studying a second degree across colleges, and it is still the best professional finance department at Beijing University.

When get out of class was about to end, Professor Song said on the podium:

"Now, let me give you the homework for this week. This homework is a stepping stone to the selection of interns at Huo's Financial Center.

I will select the ten best students from the assignments received and win for you the opportunity to enter Huo's Financial Center as an intern. "

Professor Song's words made the students below commotion.

Those who can enter the Department of Finance are the new generation of elites in China. After entering the Department of Finance, their biggest wish is to study at Huo's Financial Center.

Even if they fail to become the formal management personnel of Huo's Financial Center in the future, what they learn in the financial center will benefit them throughout their lives!

Professor Song typed his homework on the ppt. Jiang Suisui looked up and took no notes or cell phone to take pictures.

Professor Song saw that she was already clearing the table, and he said calmly:

"Jiang Suisui, today is your first day in the Finance Department. You must hand in this assignment on time. If you don't hand it in, or you hand me a blank paper, don't come to my classes in the future!"

The fact that Jiang came to the Department of Finance to take a second major every year caused dissatisfaction among many professors in the Department of Finance.

They think this is the principal's nonsense!

So what if Jiang Suisui ranked first in the school in terms of cultural scores? She knew nothing about finance, so how could she keep up with the progress of the elite students in the finance department.

Professors are unwilling to teach their knowledge to a stubborn person who knows nothing about it. For students like Jiang Suisui who fall asleep in class, Professor Song has the urge to kick her out! !

However, Jiang Suisui was protected by the school leaders.

But if she fails to hand in her homework, or if her homework is extremely poorly written, Professor Song will have reason to kick her out!

The bell rang. Professor Song picked up his computer and textbooks and walked out.

Jiang Suisui picked up her shoulder bag, and she was about to go to the next class.

"Jiang...Classmate Jiang Suisui!"

Someone called her from behind. Jiang Suisui turned around and saw a boy walking up.

When the man looked at her, he was shy, excited, and a little overwhelmed.

"Hello, my name is Han Xiu, and I am a second-year graduate student in the Department of Finance."

Jiang Suisui nodded to him. Everyone in the finance department was an elite, and elites from rich and noble families accounted for 70%.

All courses in the Department of Finance are only divided into difficulty levels and not grade levels, so students from freshmen to third-year graduate students can be gathered in one classroom.

Han Xiu handed her a USB flash drive.

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