Huo Ye’s Little Wild Cat is Fierce and Cute

Chapter 637 She put handcuffs on Huo Linxi!

Suddenly, her steps stopped.

Jiang Suisui stopped when he was still 5 or 6 meters away from Ling who fell on the ground.

She heard the man's strong heartbeat.

That heartbeat was so familiar to her!

There was only a sound of "buzz..." in Jiang Suisui's head.

What about Zero, the mechanical master of the Chinese Academy of Sciences? !

Her men said they had brought Zero to the warehouse, but why, the man who fell in front of her was...

Huo Linxi! !

Jiang Suisui lifted her steps again. She stood next to Huo Linxi, bent down, reached down, and pulled up the man's collar.


The other party's hand suddenly clasped her arm behind her back!

Jiang Suisui's breath suffocated!

Huo Linxi wasn't taken down by Ecstasy?

Before Jiang Suisui could react, she was thrown to the ground by the man!

His back landed on the ground, and his body hit the ground with a loud sound that echoed in the empty warehouse.

Jiang Suisui couldn't care less about the pain, Huo Linxi's big hands had already strangled her neck!

"Use a nine-thousand-year-old Ecstasy to deal with me. Do you know what it means that I am nine-thousand years old!"

The man's voice was extremely arrogant!

In the darkness, Huo Linxi couldn't see Jiang Suisui's face clearly, not to mention that she was wearing a human skin mask and dressed in men's clothing.

Huo Linxi thought that this was another person sent by the boss of Hongshang to deal with him!

When Jiang Suisui heard the man's voice and what he said, she suddenly became furious!

She clamped the other person's waist, and in one step, she turned over onto the man.

She remembered that she had given Huo Linxi the antidote for immunity against the ecstasy!

Within half a year, Huo Linxi will not be harmed by various addictive drugs.

If she had known that Zero was this man, she would not have let Luo Si Nian set up a ecstasy in the warehouse!

If I had known that Zero was Huo Linxi! she……

A feeling of weakness and pain swept through Jiang Suisui's body. Her shoulders trembled slightly and she tried to cheer herself up.

Jiang Suisui sat on the other party's waist and held Huo Linxi's forehead with one hand.

Although Huo Linxi was immune to Ecstasy, he could remain conscious under the influence of such a large amount of Ecstasy, but his body was unable to exert any strength at all.

Jiang Suisui leaned forward and approached her, and she spoke out in a male voice that was sinister and arrogant.

"Zero, you brought me so many surprises~"

Huo Linxi was stunned.

Jiang Suisui took a puff of smoke from his pipe and blew out a wisp of snow-white mist at the man's face.

The man held his breath subconsciously, but it was of no use.

Wisps of smoke penetrated into his skin, and Huo Linxi felt that every bone in his body was being invisibly pulled away.

Jiang Suisui got up from the man and dragged Huo Linxi to the wall.

Huo Linxi couldn't see what the other party was doing, and only heard the slight sound of metal colliding.

Then, he felt a chill on his wrist.

He was detained, and Jiang Suisui used chains to hang up the man's arms.

She fixed Huo Linxi's legs in the same way.

It was pitch dark in the warehouse. Jiang Suisui took out a lighter and lit a flame on the man's cheek.

The jumping firelight illuminated half of the man's face. His facial features were deep, and his long and narrow eyebrows carried the cold wind and snow.

After the fight just now, Huo Linxi's body and face were stained with some dust.

But the thin specks of dust did not affect this man's handsome and noble face like a god.

At the same time, Huo Linxi also saw the other party's face clearly.

"Boss Hongshang?" He had seen this philistine's cunning face in the surveillance video of Liu Palace.

A cold smile overflowed from Huo Linxi's eyes.

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