Huo Ye’s Little Wild Cat is Fierce and Cute

Chapter 718 Come back and warm my bed!

Lu Xiao was taken to the hospital. This time he came to the capital without a private doctor, so he went to the top private hospital in the capital for treatment.

Who would have thought that Lu Xiao, who had always been free from illness and pain, and in excellent health, would be sent to the hospital with a plate of spicy crayfish? !

"Miss Jiang."

A bodyguard of the Lu family walked up to Jiang Suisui and asked in a low voice: "I would like to ask the Unbounded Miracle Doctor to treat the young master. I wonder if Miss Jiang can help. Please ask the Unbounded Miracle Doctor."

Although the cronies around Lu Xiao knew that Jiang Suisui was from the Unbounded Alliance, they did not know her identity within the Unbounded Alliance.

Lu Xiao didn't tell his men either.

The bodyguards of the Lu family did not trust the medical skills of the Chinese nation, nor did they feel that the hospitals in the capital were safe enough. If Doctor Wujie was here, Lu Xiao would not need to be hospitalized.

Jiang Suisui said: "The unbounded miraculous doctor is always here and there without a trace, so let him come all the way here just to treat an acute allergy?"

The bodyguard of the Lu family said with a cold face, "My young master has a distinguished status, and his acute allergies are completely incomparable to ordinary people.

The Unbounded Miracle Doctor is a full-time doctor for members of the Unbounded Alliance. Why can't he come all the way here to treat my young master? "

The bodyguard added: "My young master is one of the founders of the Unbounded Alliance. How much funding has he provided to the Unbounded Alliance? The Unbounded Miracle Doctor receives one order of external treatment quotas every year, and usually it is the activity funds within the alliance that support him... …”

Jiang Suisui smiled lightly. Her smile was not offensive, but it made the bodyguard feel a cold chill.

"How precious is your young master's body? If he doesn't want to live in a hospital in the capital, then send him to Wujizhou and let all the doctors in Wujizhou gather around him to treat his crayfish allergy."

Speaking of this, Jiang Suisui asked him:

"If treatment is delayed, acute allergies will cause shock symptoms. Can you afford it?

Just send him to the hospital for a shot. If you don't trust the nurse who gives the shot at the Beijing hospital, take the medicine and poke Lu Xiaojingui's butt with your own hands. "

Lu family bodyguard: "..."

Because of Lu Xiao's acute allergy, the barbecue stall was blocked by the Lu family's bodyguards.

Jiang Suisui packed up the unfinished barbecue. Before leaving, she told the Lu family bodyguard who stayed at the barbecue stall to conduct a detailed inspection of the ingredients used in the barbecue stall:

"This is the capital, the territory of the Huo family. If you suspect that the ingredients at this barbecue stall are not fresh, let's investigate. But if you dare to embarrass ordinary people in the capital, you and Lu Xiao, get out of the capital tomorrow!"

Jiang Suisui turned around and left. Huo Lingye put his hands in the pockets of his trousers. He and Li Sijue walked past the group of Lu family bodyguards.


Jiang Suisui returned to Huo's house. It was late at night and Huo Linxi hadn't come back yet.

She took a shower, put on her pajamas and lay on the bed. She took out her mobile phone and sent two voice messages to her man.

At this moment, the man on the 88th floor of the World Tower finally heard a familiar notification tone on his cell phone.

He took out his mobile phone and clicked on the first voice message:

"When will Linlin come back?"

Huo Linxi had a cold face and secretly bit his back teeth.

The heartless woman finally thought of him now?

He clicked on the second voice message, and a woman's sweet voice came from the phone:

"If Lin Lin doesn't come back, I won't be able to sleep. Come back quickly and warm my bed."

Huo Linxi: "..."

Jiang Suisui ordered him instead.

Is he the kind of person who is always available and unprincipled? !

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