Huo Ye’s Little Wild Cat is Fierce and Cute

Chapter 745 He is a scumbag and a beast 1

Drops of sweat dripped down the man's smooth forehead.

His hair was wet and stuck together one by one, giving him the feeling of a beautiful boy from a two-dimensional comic.

The sun shone on Huo Linxi's sweaty face and neck.

The bright water light outlines the perfect jaw line and the strong and firm shoulder and neck lines.

His whole figure looks like a BJD doll that has been carefully drawn and maintained, giving people a fragile and breakable feeling.

The man growled: "Do it again! It's not enough!"

The Wolf King was frightened.

But Huo Linxi in front of him ordered him manically and sinisterly.

The Wolf King only felt that the other party's orders were like invisible sight pulling him. He was like a puppet, executing Huo Linxi's instructions.

The Wolf King has amazing punching power!

With a punch thrown away, Huo Linxi fell to the ground without any resistance.

He grabbed Huo Linxi's collar and punched him hard again!

The muscles, bones, and internal organs were all screaming in pain.

However, Huo Linxi still couldn't remember what he did that night.

He became an irrational beast, crazy and violent.

He captured a deer and bit the deer's neck until it bled, tasting the sweet and hot blood.

That girl was his light, and he longed to be saved, to gain salvation and relief from her.

He longs for warmth, but he is causing harm!

He knew that if he continued like this, one day... when he went crazy, he would destroy and dismember Jiang Suisui...

Jiang Suisui completely gave herself to him and trusted him, but he hurt and tortured her again and again.

He is a scumbag and a beast...

The fabric of Huo Linxi's T-shirt had experienced countless heavy blows and was torn and cracked after rubbing against the ground.

He simply tore off his T-shirt, revealing his body covered in scars.

He seemed to have been in a sauna, his whole body was soaked and covered in water.

Huo Linxi knelt in the boxing ring, with his toes on the ground, breathing heavily.

The Wolf King was also out of breath. Beating someone was a physical job. When he beat Huo Linxi, he punched to the flesh and used his maximum strength with every punch.

Anyone else would have fallen to the ground long ago after receiving his first punch.

How could it be like Huo Linxi, who lost his strength after receiving hundreds of punches from him?

"Commander, what on earth are you thinking? You suddenly torture yourself and ask me to beat you?

I heard that Huo's stock plummeted, and tens of billions were lost in less than an hour. Is this a cruel trick? "

"Meat NMB." Huo Linxi cursed. He didn't bother to explain his motives to the Wolf King.

But with the Wolf King's brain, he can make up even more outrageous things without explanation.

The man told him about his mania.

After the Wolf King heard this, he slapped his thigh and snarled.

"Commander, it turns out that you are abusing yourself for the sake of your sister-in-law. You want to experience the pain that my sister-in-law suffered at that time, so you asked me to beat you. Isn't this a wrong way to go!

No matter how much I beat you with my fist, will it be the same as what you did to your sister-in-law? "

Huo Linxi looked at him, wanting to hear what unique insights the Wolf King had to say.

"You want to experience what my sister-in-law has experienced, isn't it simple?

Find three or four strong men, and you will fight in the room all day and all night. Just let those men do to you what you did to your sister-in-law last night!

This is how you can experience the pain your sister-in-law feels from you! "

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