Huo Ye’s Little Wild Cat is Fierce and Cute

Chapter 803 It’s so exciting!

Ah Jiu couldn't even hear what "Huo Lingye" was saying.

She looked at the handsome and clean sunny boy in front of her, slowly raised her hand and pressed her left chest.

The right atrium collects venous blood throughout the body and leads to the right ventricle.

Venous blood flows from the pulmonary artery, becomes oxygen-rich arterial blood through gas exchange in the lungs, and is then transported to the left atrium by the pulmonary veins, and then pumped throughout the body through the aorta in the left ventricle.

This feeling is called heartbeat...

The heartbeat is already too fast. If you don't hold your chest, will this violently beating heart break out from under the skin? !

This heart seemed to no longer belong to her. Ah Jiu opened her mouth, feeling sore and distended in her stomach, as if her stomach was pregnant with millions of butterflies, flapping their wings and swarming out!

"Ajiu?" Huo Lingye's clear voice called her softly.


The young man stretched out his hand and waved it in front of Ah Jiu.

Suddenly, Ah Jiu's eyes lost focus, and she could only feel the young man in front of her reaching out to her...

His hand was getting closer and closer to her, and she could feel the heat radiating from that hand on her cheek.

"Huo Lingye" twirled a piece of hair on Ajiu's temples with his slender fingers and took it off.

He grinned, "Don't you feel itchy when your hair is scratched on your face?"

"I..." Ah Jiu said, heat surging.

"I feel... I'm going... to die..."

"Huo Lingye" tilted his head and looked at her with watery eyes like a puppy.

What's wrong with Ah Jiu?

It's so good, why do you say you are going to die? !

"Huo Lingye" took Ah Jiu's hand and put the fingers of his other hand on the other person's pulse.

He said in surprise: "Ah Jiu, your pulse is beating so fast..." Moreover, Ah Jiu's pulse is getting faster and faster? !

"Huo Lingye" looked at Ah Jiu's face again, and saw that Ah Jiu's face was so red that it was bleeding!

"Ah Jiu!" Ah Ba and Ah Wu walked over. After a distance of three to five meters, Ah Ba said:

"Our team is still missing one person, Xingyao wants to join."

Ah Jiu suddenly came back to her senses. She took Huo Lingye's hand on her wrist and clasped it back:

"I want to team up with the second young master!"

Ah Wu's expression was indifferent, and Ah Ba's face was obviously a little depressed.

"Ajiu, are you sure?"

In front of Huo Lingye, Ah Ba carefully considered his words, and his attitude of resistance was obvious.

He looked at Huo Lingye from head to toe with a hesitant expression.

"Ajiu, I think it would be better to choose Huo Xingyao.

Although she did not participate in the assessment competition in the past two years, I know that Xingyao's strength among the Huo family branches is very good.

This time it was because Xingyao was temporarily planning to participate in the competition and the team at the Huo family branch was already full, so she came to the retainer to inquire. "

While Ah Ba was talking, Huo Xingyao came over.

She was wearing a long-sleeved sports T-shirt and black training trousers with cuffs. Huo Xingyao had her hair tied in a ponytail, looking very dashing.

She saw Huo Lingye and her eyes fell on the young man's wrist held by Ah Jiu.

There was a look of surprise in Huo Xingyao's eyes.

"Ajiu, do you want Ling Ye to join your group?"

Ah Jiu nodded.

Ah Ba dragged out his voice helplessly, "Ah Jiu..."

Huo Xingyao's eyes fell on Huo Lingye, and she smiled:

"Master Lingye really chose the right team. With Ah Jiu, Ah Ba, and Ah Wu helping to increase the score, your team competition results will never fall behind."

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