Huo Ye’s Little Wild Cat is Fierce and Cute

Chapter 812 It’s a small scene, don’t panic!

The metal buckle on the belt popped open with a click.

Jiang Suisui's breath suffocated, and he shouted in his heart, "Good guy!"

It turns out that her Jia Linlin has such a good relationship with Huo Lingye in private?

Uncle and nephew, not only do they go to the toilet together, but they also use the same toilet in the public restroom? !

And now, does she have to act very calm, so calm that she is accustomed to the scene in front of her, so that she can get away with it in front of Huo Linxi?

Jiang Suisui held her breath. She stood sideways and stared at Huo Linxi.

She told herself in her heart, don’t panic in small scenes!

It’s not like I haven’t seen it before! !

And what she was thinking about rapidly in her mind at the moment was...

After Huo Linxi went to the toilet, how should she go to the toilet in front of this man?

Jiang Suisui's bright eyes glanced above the cubicle.

This one glance destroyed her hope of escape!

There are no gaps in the toilet cubicles here, and the cubicles are completely sealed.

Jiang Suisui could only pin her hopes on the fact that while Huo Linxi was going to the toilet, she rushed out of the door with lightning speed!

After making an escape plan in his mind, Jiang Suisui's eyes returned to Huo Linxi.


Huo Linxi took off his belt, why didn't he take the next step?

Huo Linxi looked like he was waiting for something. Did he need Huo Lingye to unzip him? !

Xiao Ye is so pitiful, being enslaved to this extent by this man!

"Third uncle?" Jiang Suisui spoke clearly in Huo Lingye's voice.

Huo Lingye lifted her sexy thin lips, and the emotions in his eyes became darker and darker like thick ink.

"Scream again."

"Third uncle, what's wrong with you?" Jiang Suisui asked him.

The man chuckled, "What's wrong with me, can't you see?"

Just when a series of question marks popped up in her head, the man grabbed her arm and pulled her towards him!

Jiang Suisui fell on the man, Huo Linxi lowered his head, and the cold cedar breath fell on Jiang Suisui's eyelashes and the side of his face.

His deep voice was like a bow rubbing across the strings, "You can't see it, but now you can feel it for yourself."

He deliberately used a magnetic subwoofer in Jiang Suisui's ear to ask:

"How's it going? Do you feel it?"

Jiang Suisui's cheeks turned red in an instant!

Bright red blood showed through from under the artificial skin.

"Third...Uncle Third, how could you..."

The man's other hand was already wrapped around Jiang Suisui's slender waist.

The color of his eyes was dark, and he murmured softly:

"I don't know what happened to me. I heard my nephew call me uncle several times, and I just..."

Huo Linxi lowered his head and bit Jiang Suisui's ear, exerting force between his teeth like punishment.

"Third...third uncle..."

Jiang Suisui was confused! It felt like there was an egg stuffed in her throat, and after Huo Linxi bit her blood-filled ear, her whole body became excited.

"Well, call me again."

The man seemed to be enjoying himself, and Jiang Suisui called him "third uncle."

Hot blood rushed to Jiang Suisui's neck. She was like a kitten whose tail had been stepped on. In desperation, she shouted in her original voice:

"I'm about to change my mind!!!"

Hearing the kitten's cry of annoyance, the man sneered and his Adam's apple rolled.

Jiang Suisui could hear the mockery in Huo Linxi's sneer. She raised her head and saw the man arrogantly tugging at the corner of his lips and looking at her.

Jiang Suisui: "..."

She reacted.

Her disguise had been seen through by this man a long time ago!

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