The technicians slowed down the speed 10 times, and the referees didn't even see clearly how Huo Lingye made the move.

Until the video is slowed down 25 times.

The referees just saw that Huo Lingye made three moves!

He held the mobile phone in his left hand, punched Ah Da in the abdomen with his right hand, and hit Ah Ba in the chest with a roundhouse kick, like kicking a sandbag, kicking Ah Ba away!

The video, slowed down 25 times, was also displayed on the big screen at this moment. Almost everyone in the audience stood up.

"Fuck! Huo Lingye just punched twice and kicked one!"

"Even the images captured by the high-definition camera have ghost images! How fast is Huo Lingye's move?"

"No wonder it is always said in novels that in the world of martial arts, speed is the most invincible. MD! With such a rapid speed, no one can dodge his attack!"

Ah Ba, who was slumped on the ground, opened his lips slightly and looked at the big screen. His pupils shrank suddenly and his dark eyes trembled violently.

At this time, someone pointed to the big screen and exclaimed:

"Look, Huo Lingye's left hand holding the phone seems to be moving."

The moment Huo Lingye struck Ah Ba with his right hand, his left hand was not idle either.

He is still manipulating the game.

The high-definition camera captured the entire process of controlling the game with his left hand.

Watching this slowed down video.

Everyone was silent...

Huo Lingye is simply amazing! ! !

He easily squeezed Ah Ba to death like he was squeezing an ant to death.

While beating up Ah Ba, he also didn’t miss playing games.

The key is that he won the game in his hands!

A referee stepped onto the ring and stepped forward to check Huo Lingye's cell phone.

After confirming that there was nothing wrong with Huo Lingye's mobile phone, the referee turned around and announced to the audience:

"The winner is..."

"Wait a minute!" Huo Jingxian said. She stood up with a sneer on her face:

"Before announcing the results of the competition, I want everyone to look at one person!"

With that said, Huo Jingxian motioned to the bodyguards behind her.

After a while, she raised her hand and pointed towards the entrance of the martial arts gym.

"Look, everyone, who is that."

Several bodyguards came in pulling a mobile stretcher with a person tied to it.

The man was lying on a mobile stretcher, and no one could see his face clearly.

I just heard the person on the stretcher howling: "Untie me!"

"If you dare to do this to me, just wait for me!"

The bodyguards dragged the mobile stretcher to the front of the auditorium and erected it toward the retainers and side members.

Now, everyone finally saw clearly that the person tied to the mobile stretcher was Huo Lingye!

And they soon realized something even more shocking!

"How...why are there two Huo Lingye?!"

"What is going on?! Why are there two Huo Lingye?"

"One of these people must be fake! Who is Huo Lingye?!"

Huo Jingxian pulled the corners of her red lips, and her peripheral vision fell on Huo Linxi.

She wanted to see what Huo Linxi's expression looked like at this moment.

But that man was sitting on the chair like a king.

His handsome face showed no emotion at all.

He didn't seem surprised at all that two Huo Lingye would appear.

After all, Huo Jingxian understood Huo Linxi's temperament.

Like the hostess of the Huo family, she said to everyone present:

"Just now, my servant told me that Huo Lingye injured his foot and tail vertebra last night and needed to stay in bed to recuperate.

During the game, Huo Lingye was always in the room and did not come out. He also had no ability to move around. "

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