The moment Ah Ba knelt down, Huo Jingxian was still speaking aggressively.

She severely rebuked Jiang Suisui to establish her authority. With so many ministers and side officials present, Huo Jingxian wanted them to see who was the mistress of the Huo family.

"How do you deserve to be the mistress of the Huo family?!"

Huo Jingxian's voice was sonorous and powerful, and the next second, she saw the retainers and side members standing below the ring, kneeling in the direction of the ring.

"...You, what are you doing?"

Huo Jingxian couldn't understand the actions of these people. Why did these people suddenly kneel down on one knee to Huo Linxi?

Have they succumbed to Huo Linxi's majesty?

"Mrs. Jingxian, what qualifications do you have to accuse the mistress? Your behavior is simply treasonous!"

Ah San was still standing in the audience. When everyone rushed up to execute the fake Huo Lingye on the spot, he was still as steady as a mountain, sitting on the chair, motionless.

After witnessing what happened in front of him and listening to Huo Jingxian's scolding of Jiang Suisui, Ah San couldn't help but speak.

A wave of heat rushed to Huo Jingxian's forehead. Before she could speak, she heard Ah Ba shout:

"In front of Madam Mistress, I completely surrender! Madam Mistress, please forgive Ah Ba for being disrespectful to you in the past few days!"

Ah Ba was now very ashamed. He had lost so miserably for the first time. He received two punches and one kick from Jiang Suisui, and all the bones in his body were aching.

But what shocked him even more was that the person who beat him so badly was Jiang Suisui!

It was the delicate Jiang Suisui who was about to be taken off the helicopter by Huo Linxi.

It’s the Jiang Suisui whom he scared with a mouse!

He thought she was just a delicate girl, but the reality gave Ah Ba a loud slap in the face!

Huo Chi knelt down on one knee: "I surrender too!"

"I didn't expect that in the competition, it was my mistress who carried me through the 800-meter obstacle course!"

The fat man's legs gave way and he knelt down. The short man standing next to him also knelt down.

Huo Lingye is willing to take the two of them, who have always been at the bottom, to soar in the competition, and they are already very grateful.

But they never imagined that the one carrying them flying would actually be Jiang Suisui!

How could this thin and delicate-looking woman be so capable?

Regardless of whether they were retainers or side branches, at this moment, they were all convinced!

Jiang Suisui raised his face and looked at Huo Jingxian sitting in the audience with bright eyes and a smile.

"Aunt, I am participating in the assessment competition not to seek a position for myself.

What I want to participate in the assessment competition is the surrender of my retainers and branches to me!

As Linxi's wife, I want to be like him, the sun and the aspiration of people!

Now you can see, I got what I wanted! "

Jiang Suisui shouted loudly to the people below:

"Who is your mistress?"

The people below shouted her name in unison: "Jiang Suisui!"

"Who is your master?" Jiang Suisui smiled brightly and openly. When she asked this question, she heard the shouts of the retainers and branch members:

"Jiang Suisui!"

They roared in unison, almost tearing down the roof of the martial arts hall.

As they shouted, Huo Jingxian's face became paler and paler, and she even felt the ground shaking under her feet!

In such an atmosphere, Jiang Suisui was also affected, and she raised her clear voice.

"Come on, everyone, get up!"

Under her order, hundreds of people under the ring stood up one after another.

Jiang Suisui raised his hand and pointed at Huo Jingxian from afar.

"Face me toward the audience."

Swish! After two sounds, the retainers and side branches turned around without any hesitation and faced Huo Jingxian.

Jiang Suisui shouted crisply:

"Tell Mrs. Jingxian who you take orders from!"

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