Huo Ye’s Little Wild Cat is Fierce and Cute

Chapter 834 The most beautiful flower of the Huo family

Jiang Suisui put on a black woolen slim-fitting coat. The sea breeze on the island was strong, so she wore a black top hat.

When she came out of the villa, she happened to run into Bai Ye.

Bai Ye came out of Huo Lingye's room.

Jiang Suisui asked him, "What's wrong with Xiaoye?"

"I rolled off the mobile stretcher. My hand is broken. It's fine. I'll just rest for a few days."

Jiang Suisui: "..."

Huo Lingye could fall by the bathtub while taking a bath, lie on a mobile stretcher, and roll off the stretcher!

The most beautiful flower of the Huo family is none other than him!

Jiang Suisui remembered that she had vaguely heard Huo Lingye's scream just now. It must have been the scream he made when he rolled off the mobile stretcher.

"When I come back from the Law Enforcement Department, I'll go see Xiao Ye."

Speaking of this, Jiang Suisui thought of something again, "By the way, Bai Ye."


"I bought a prescription from the black market with a lot of money. It was prescribed by the Unbounded Miracle Doctor of the Unbounded Alliance. It is very effective for the wounds on my abdomen.

I have asked the servant to go to the kitchen to brew the medicine. When the medicine is ready, you can personally deliver it to Linlin to drink~"

Bai Ye was stunned for a moment.

"Is there such a prescription? The Unbounded Miracle Doctor didn't even give Mr. Huo a consultation. Can Mr. Huo drink the prescription just given like this?"

Jiang Suisui's bright and clear eyes looked directly at Bai Ye, and she nodded seriously:

"I've already checked with other doctors to confirm that it's okay to drink, and Lin Lin agreed, so I'm going to take the medicine prescribed by Wujie Divine Doctor.

In ten minutes, the medicine will be ready. Remember to deliver it in person and drink it in front of the supervisor! "

Speaking of this, Jiang Suisui raised the corners of her cherry-pink lips. Bai Ye didn't understand the unknown smile on her lips.


The Law Enforcement Department is the most terrifying place on Lanshan Island. Not only those who commit serious crimes within the Huo family are dealt with here, but also those who commit crimes against the Huo family from outside are also imprisoned here.

Jiang Suisui walked in the corridor shrouded in cold incandescent lights, the heels of his black short boots making a light sound on the corridor.

The guards from the Law Enforcement Department saw Ah San and Ah Si, as well as Howard, who was the director of the Law Enforcement Department, and the two deputy ministers following this strange woman.

The minister and deputy minister looked solemn and respectful. The woman walking in front of them must be of noble status.

The woman walking towards them was so young, and her face was as delicate as a rose. Such a pure and sweet woman should not appear in the gloomy law enforcement department at all.

"Madam, please come this way."

Howard raised his hand and pointed a direction for Jiang Suisui.

The guards were shocked.

So this is the mistress of the Huo family?

They didn't know what happened in today's assessment competition. Only a few days ago, they vaguely heard someone say that the Huo family's mistress was very delicate.

Now that the guards have seen the true appearance of the mistress, they all feel that the rumors are true.

Although there are so many important people on Lanshan Island accompanying Jiang Suisui, isn't the mistress and wife afraid of being frightened when she comes to a place like this?

A gust of cool wind came through the hall, making a "wuwuwu" sound in the long and narrow corridor, like the cry of a ghost.

Many people who are timid will feel creepy as soon as they come in. However, there was no expression on Jiang Suisui's face.

Layers of explosion-proof doors were opened, and permission was required to enter every part of the prison.

Although Ah San and Ah Si have great reputations on Lanshan Island, even if they are ministers of other departments, their authority in the prison is only at level LV.4.

Ah San and Ah Si stopped outside the door. The Minister and Deputy Ministers of the Law Enforcement Department continued to accompany Jiang Suisui as they walked inside...

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