Huo Ye’s Little Wild Cat is Fierce and Cute

Chapter 837 Didn’t Linxi tell you the truth about the virus?

Huo Jingxian's eyes were illuminated by the light emitted from the iPad screen, and her pupils reflected Mr. Huo's dead appearance.

Her pupils trembled violently, and when she wanted to reach out and grab Jiang Suisui again, Jiang Suisui slapped the iPad on Huo Jingxian's face.

Then, she freed up her hands and quickly removed Huo Jingxian's shoulder bones!

There was a click, and Huo Jingxian's arms were dislocated.

The hearts of the Minister of Law Enforcement and the two Deputy Ministers trembled at the same time.

Their mistress and wife don't need their help at all.

After twisting and dislocating Huo Jingxian's arms, Jiang Suisui neatly caught the iPad that fell from Huo Jingxian's face.

She raised the corners of her lips, tilted her head and asked:

"Aunt, what's wrong with you? Why did you suddenly lose your mind and go crazy?

When Linxi moved the old man down, you had a hand in it.

The old man died so miserably, you should be happy. "

Jiang Suisui's voice had no warmth.

Huo Jingxian leaned against the wall, the severe pain in her arms almost made her faint.

Her gray-white face was covered with big beads of sweat, and her bulging eyes were staring at Jiang Suisui.

"Why did you kill my elder brother...huh?

Didn't Linxi say that he wouldn't let him die easily? !

Huo Linxi didn't mean to torture him all the time, but he would let him breathe no matter what! "

The severe pain in both arms made Huo Jingxian's voice hoarse.

Jiang Suisui handed the iPad back.

Howard immediately stepped forward and took the iPad from her hand.

She stepped on the marble bed with one foot, rested her arm casually on her thigh, and clasped Huo Jingxian's forehead with the other so that she could look directly at herself.

"Because your eldest brother did something very inappropriate. He injected the C6 virus into my body, and Lin Lin discovered this.

Linlin has murderous intentions for me~"

Jiang Suisui's voice was sweet, and the emotion in Huo Jingxian's eyes gradually became fierce.

"It was you who asked Huo Linxi to kill eldest brother. Wasn't it you, the vixen, who blew the pillow wind?"

Jiang Suisui's thin white hands fell from her forehead and clasped Huo Jingxian's chin.

She looked at the woman who was going crazy towards her, with a cold smile in her almond-shaped eyes.

"You already knew that there was C6 virus in your body, right?" she asked Huo Jingxian.

With the back of her head pressed against the wall, Huo Jingxian, unable to move, glared at Jiang Suisui with a threatening gaze.

"Over the years, I have been too kind to Linxi. I should not have gone abroad for more than half a year just to prove my loyalty to him.

I should be under the same roof with him every day, have meals with him, and have meetings with him.

The toxins emanating from my body are constantly accumulating in his body. Within two years, he will become a crazy monster!

I'm too kind. I don't want him to turn into an uncontrolled beast that can only go crazy. It would be great if Linxi could be like you and slowly become stupid and stupid. "

Jiang Suisui's face visibly stiffened.

Huo Jingxian immediately noticed something from her face.

She laughed, "Oh~ you won't become stupid, because Huo Linxi will definitely save you!

He was willing to bear the sin of patricide for you!

He will definitely also prevent the improved C6 virus from making you stupid.

He will go to bed with you and stabilize the virus in your body again and again.

And he gradually lost control in his desire! Gradually going crazy! "

Before Huo Jingxian finished speaking, Jiang Suisui grabbed her by the collar!

She looked at Jiang Suisui's eyes that were gradually losing warmth, and Huo Jingxian laughed crazily:

"What? Is this the first time you've heard of this?

Didn't Linxi tell you about the consequences of sexual contact between you and him? "


[The update is completed today, I wish everyone a happy New Year! 】

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