Huo Ye’s Little Wild Cat is Fierce and Cute

Chapter 856: You asked her to have an abortion? are you human?

After Huo Linxi was silent for two seconds, he spoke:

"I thought you were pregnant..."

Jiang Suisui's eyes widened and he looked at him in disbelief.

Eh? ! !

What's happening here!

What happened to give Huo Linxi such an illusion? !

When did Huo Linxi misunderstand that she was pregnant?

Why have I never heard him mention it? !

But Luo Junhe and Luo Sinian quickly realized that something was not quite right!

"Huo Linxi! You thought Sui Sui was pregnant, so you asked her to have an abortion? Are you human?"

Luo Junhe roared loudly, raised his foot and kicked the man.

Huo Linxi threw out the folder and blocked Luo Junhe's flying kick.

Luosnian looked at Huo Linxi with a cold face. If he could stand up, he would definitely pick up the wheelchair and hit Huo Linxi on the head!

"Master Huo, what do you mean?" Luosnian's voice was cold to the bone.

"Do you know how harmful abortion is? You and Sui Sui are already married, and she is pregnant, and you actually force her to abort the child. If you don't feel sorry for her, I will!"

Having said this, Luosnian turned to Jiang Suisui. When talking to Jiang Suisui, his voice became gentler.

"He bullies you, just come to me and I will help you vent your anger."

Jiang Suisui was sitting on the wool carpet. She was a little at a loss and said in a soft voice: "There may be some misunderstanding. When he comes..."

Before she could finish her words, someone grabbed her arm, and Huo Linxi dragged Jiang Suisui into his arms.

The man sitting on the carpet held Jiang Suisui tightly in his arms like a beast guarding his prey, not allowing anyone to come and snatch her away from him.

Jiang Suisui raised his head and asked softly:

"Why does Linlin think I'm pregnant? And you never mentioned this to me?

It turns out you don’t want the kitten, you don’t want our child..."

Before she could finish speaking, the man's big hand covered her mouth.

Jiang Suisui's back was pressed against the man's chest. Huo Linxi lowered his head and said to her:

"I thought you were pregnant with four, and I was worried that having four full-term babies in your belly would put a lot of burden on your body."

Huo Linxi spoke to Jiang Suisui in a serious voice. He explained seriously:

"If children will affect your health, we don't want children!"

Jiang Suisui remembered that when Huo Linxi was on a business trip, Wangcai's wives were found to be pregnant. She sent a message to Huo Linxi, saying that one of Wangcai's wives was pregnant with four kittens.

This man actually misunderstood that she was pregnant with four children!

Jiang Suisui used his little paw to make Huo Linxi's face goofy.

"Linlin! Aren't you very smart? You actually misunderstood this kind of thing!

Then how did you discover the misunderstanding later? "

Jiang Suisui asked him, Huo Linxi lowered his gaze and looked at her.

Jiang Suisui understood immediately that she had her period in the past few days.

Only then did Huo Linxi realize that she was not pregnant.

She raised her hand, covered the man's face with her little paws, and scratched his face a few times.

"Linlin big idiot!"

She scolded Huo Linxi, turned around, knelt in front of the man, used her hands together, and rubbed his face several times, as if it were dough.

Huo Linxi allowed Jiang Suisui to rub his face wantonly.

He opened his narrow eyes slightly, and his dark pupils were cold, and he glanced sideways at the faces of Luo Si Nian and Luo Junhe, with a clear warning in his eyes.

If you want to snatch Jiang Suisui away from him, there is no window! !

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