Huo Ye’s Little Wild Cat is Fierce and Cute

Chapter 862 Mr. Huo whose territory was occupied

After she was taken back to Jiang's house, Jiang Li treated her very well.

Until now, Jiang Suisui has been feeling sorry for Jiang Li's sudden death.

But now that Luo Junhe told what happened to Jiang Li, she had a new perspective on Jiang Li's death.

When Jiang Li was mentioned, the atmosphere at the dinner table suddenly cooled down.

Los Nian asked in a gentle voice:

"Sui Sui, I have never asked you before, what kind of person is my mother?"

He said with a smile: "My mother left us after we were handed over to the Luo family. We have heard our adoptive father talk about our mother since we were young.

When we were children, we had been waiting for our mother to pick us up, but in the end, the news of our mother's death in Haicheng reached the capital.

Not only me, but also Junhe and Brother Zongyue have never seen their mother, talked to her, or gotten along with her.

I know that you spent some time with our mother after you were taken back to the Jiang family. "

Jiang Suisui told him: "Aunt Jiang Li is very, very good to me!

After I returned to Jiang's house, she was the first person to talk to me. She took me to buy new clothes, trimmed my hair with her own hands, and taught me how to make perfume.

I was with Aunt Jiang Li almost every day and even slept with her. "

Luo Sinian looked at her with gentle eyes. Hearing what Jiang Suisui said, he smiled lightly and said:

"I really envy Suisui. I heard you say that my mother should be living a pretty good life in the Jiang family.

You are right. Death is a relief for my mother. She can finally get rid of that man completely! "

If Jiang Suisui was still a member of the Jiang family, she would definitely ask Luo Sinian and Luo Junhe about the status of Jiang Li's other children.

But she was not related by blood to the Jiang family. Luo Junhe and Luo Sinian were willing to tell her their life experiences, and Jiang Suisui felt that this was enough.


In the next few days, Luo Junhe accompanied Luo SiNian to the Huo family, and asked Jiang Suisui to treat Luo SiNian's leg.

On the third day, Luosnian was able to use his legs to hold up his body.

But walking for a long distance still requires a period of rehabilitation.

When they come to Huo Zhai, they will stay for lunch. The two Luo brothers no longer regard themselves as outsiders. When meal time is approaching, Luo Junhe will go directly to the kitchen to order.

Huo Linxi was like a lion whose territory had been invaded and whose fur had exploded.

But Luo Junhe ordered the dishes he wanted to eat in the kitchen, and Jiang Suisui also liked them.

Seeing that his wife was happy with her lunch, Huo Linxi could only endure her unhappiness!

After lunch, Luo Junhe and Luo Sinian took the car back to Luo's house.

Luo Junhe turned on his phone and saw dozens of like reminders in his circle of friends.

Recently, he and Luo Sinian have been diligent in posting on WeChat Moments, and the two have begun to compete again, comparing who can post more on WeChat Moments.

What they posted in their circle of friends were basically the snacks and lunches they had at Huo Zhai, as well as photos of their prosperity.

Zong Yue knew that they were going to Huo Zhai to look for Jiang Suisui all day long. Under each of their posts related to Huo Zhai, they posted an expression showing helpless hands spread out.

Luo Junhe started to feel happy again, editing new photos to send to his circle of friends.

Suddenly, a video call request popped up on his phone.

The note displayed on the phone screen is: "Xiao Liuzi".

He glanced over to Luosnian. A video call request was also displayed on Luosnian's phone.

Luo Junhe sighed and clicked the "Answer" button.

Luo Sinian reluctantly clicked "Answer".

The next second, what appeared on their mobile phones was a little girl with long brown Roman curly hair, black eyes, and a bun face.


【Tomorrow is New Year’s Eve! Suisui will draw a familiar cutie from the comments and give you a red envelope! 】

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