When Huo Linxi asked the servant to bring dinner to the master bedroom, Jiang Suisui glanced at the time.


Instantly, her face turned red!

Although it was already evening when Huo Linxi came back, they didn't even bother to eat dinner, just because of that thing! !

Just thinking about it makes Jiang Suisui very embarrassed!

She has fallen!

She was seduced by Huo Linxi, a little goblin, and she was no longer pure!

"Let's eat."

Huo Linxi invited her to come to the dining table.

Jiang Suisui walked over and saw that the man had already cut her steak.

"If you think the steak is too tough, you can have some porridge or soft vegetables." The man had considered everything for her.

Jiang Suisui said: "I have a good appetite, I want to eat hard food!"

Huo Linxi sat opposite her. He had changed his clothes, and his body exuded the fragrance of shower gel. He looked as refreshing as an immortal.

"I understand that your mouth is tired, but if you want to eat chewy hard food, then go ahead."

Jiang Suisui's face instantly turned red.

She glared at the man several times, her moist eyes filled with smart and charming emotions, as if she would pounce on Huo Linxi at any time and bite Huo Linxi hard.

The man looked at Jiang Suisui's appearance with great interest. He licked the inside of his teeth, peeled off a shrimp, and handed it to her.

Jiang Suisui opened his mouth and bit down.

The man's fingers were slender and his skin was delicate, so she deliberately applied a little more force.

But when her teeth were sore, she didn't see Huo Linxi's expression change at all.

Huo Linxi’s skin is so thick!

She couldn't bite.

Jiang Suisui was in a good mood, so he fed him the shrimp and ate it.

While eating, she talked to Huo Linxi about Huo Xingyao.

After Huo Linxi heard what Huo Xingyao said to Jiang Suisui, he snorted coldly, with obvious disdain in his expression:

"She doesn't need to worry about electromagnetic pulse weapons.

I don't need weapons experts from Wujizhou to help, and you don't have to go to that mansion to find someone. "

As he ate the steak, his deep gaze swept across Jiang Suisui's face:

"Do you trust your man?"

Huo Linxi asked her.

"Of course I believe it!"

Jiang Suisui's black and white eyes looked at him seriously.

Huo Linxi's figure was reflected in her eyes, as if he was the only one in her world.

Huo Linxi also gained more confidence from Jiang Suisui.

Huo Linxi raised the corners of his lips and said to her:

"Then we'll see."

"Sui Sui." Suddenly, Huo Linxi seemed worried about something, and he called Jiang Suisui softly.


Jiang Suisui raised his head, his mouth bulging like a little hamster, stirring the steak.

She listened to Huo Linxi say to her in a gentle and low voice:

"You man can do anything."

Radiance flowed in Jiang Suisui's dark eyes. She narrowed her eyes and her smile bloomed like a delicate flower.

Of course she knows that her man is capable of anything.

He is the grandfather of hackers.

He is "Zero", the top master of the Academy of Chemical Sciences.

His abilities are always beyond Jiang Suisui's imagination!

“I believe in you, Linlin, you can do anything!

But since Huo Xingyao and Miss Ye Qinghuan have found something for me to do, I have to do some things! "

Huo Linxi saw that there was a fox-like cunning brilliance in Jiang Suisui's eyes.

He raised the corner of his lips and looked at Jiang Suisui with a bit of doting in his eyes.

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