Huo Ye’s Little Wild Cat is Fierce and Cute

Chapter 888 What kind of bad thoughts can a young Suisui have~

Huo Xingyao's face was extremely ugly. She looked at her father, and Huo Yan said:

"Madam Mistress, Xingyao also has good intentions.

She only knows that Mr. Qin is Wujizhou's weapons master, but Xingyao doesn't know Mr. Qin's specific strength. "

The smile in Jiang Suisui's eyebrows was bright and flamboyant.

Huo Yan spoke for his daughter, but when faced with Jiang Suisui's magnanimous smile, he felt inexplicably guilty.

"Xingyao is always in front of me, saying how great Wujizhou is.

I also heard that Xingyao is the person who knows Wujizhou best on Lanshan Island.

But because there were errors in the information she got, she tricked me. Huo Yan, do you think your daughter should be punished?

Xingyao also said that Master Qin Hao likes women wearing cheongsam, and she told me to wear a cheongsam when meeting Master Qin Hao.

But she didn't prepare a cheongsam for herself. I prepared the cheongsam for Xingyao for her. "

After hearing this, Huo Yan frowned.

Huo Xingyao asked Jiang Suisui to wear a cheongsam to please Qin Hao?

What was she thinking?

How could the dignified Madam Huo be allowed to please outsiders? !

At this moment, Jiang Suisui suddenly raised his hand to hold his head, "I suddenly felt a little dizzy..."

Speaking of this, she raised her head in confusion and looked at the bottle of wine in Huo Xingyao's hand.

"I only drank one glass of champagne that Xingyao poured for Lao Qin, why did he feel so dizzy?

Xingyao, why don't you drink that bottle of wine? I'm going to have someone take that bottle of wine and have it tested! "

Huo Xingyao was shocked!

Does the effect of the medicine take effect so quickly? !

Jiang Suisui realized so quickly that there was something wrong with the champagne? ? !

Huo Xingyao already felt that Jiang Suisui was punishing her.

If this bottle of champagne is found to be defective, she will definitely not be able to escape.

Huo Xingyao thought that she still had half a pack of medicine hidden on her body. If everyone in the conference hall was searched at this time...

When she thought of this, the place where she put the medicine felt as hot as fire.

Huo Xingyao immediately spoke out:

"There will be nothing wrong with this wine, mistress, you just ate a few strawberries.

If I drink this wine, if something happens to me, it will definitely prove that there is something wrong with this wine. "

Just in case, Huo Xingyao carries the antidote with him.

She would risk her life and drink this bottle of wine, and then think of a way to take the antidote later.

If she keeps resisting and refuses to drink the champagne, it will make people even more suspicious that there is something wrong with the bottle of wine in her hand.

Huo Xingyao held the neck of the bottle with one hand and the bottom of the bottle with the other. She raised her head, facing the mouth of the bottle, and poured the champagne in the bottle down her throat one by one.

Almost a whole bottle of champagne poured into his stomach. While drinking, Huo Xingyao felt that his stomach was burning.

She drank the entire bottle of wine and raised her hand to wipe the wine stains from the corners of her lips.

"Mother, you feel dizzy, maybe because you are too drunk. I have some hangover medicine here. Take one."

Huo Xingyao took out a plastic pill box from his pocket.

She deliberately plotted against Jiang Suisui, but failed. Huo Xingyao changed her mind and asked Jiang Suisui to take the antidote as a hangover medicine.

She failed to push things along, so Jiang Suisui was scorned by Qin Hao.

When Jiang Suisui left the Zijin Mansion, the effects of the medicine took effect, but there was no one around Jiang Suisui who could be as bold as Qin Hao and did something frivolous to Jiang Suisui.

So after Jiang Suisui took the antidote, the matter of drugging was so unnoticed and covered up!

"Xingyao, it turns out you brought hangover medicine and you didn't take it out earlier."

Jiang Suisui took the small medicine box from her hand. She took out a pill, smelled it, and knew that it was indeed the antidote.

Hey~ I didn’t expect that I could get the antidote so easily~

Jiang Suisui picked up a pill, put it in his mouth, and swallowed it with warm water.

Then he closed the medicine box and handed it to Huo Xingyao.

Jiang Suisui's black and white eyes are clear and pure, and they look harmless to humans and animals. She doesn't have any bad intentions~

After Huo Xingyao drank a whole bottle of champagne for herself, her heart beat fast.

She also opened the pill box, took a pill, and put it into her mouth.

After swallowing this pill, Huo Xingyao's beating heart calmed down.


Qin Hao sent them away from the Zijin Mansion. He followed Jiang Suisui, bowing his head like a eunuch the whole time.

He watched Jiang Suisui leave until the car carrying Jiang Suisui had driven far, far away. Qin Hao was still standing outside the Zijin Mansion like a stone statue.

When they left, Jiang Suisui, Huo Xingyao, Huo Yan, and Ah San were all in one car.

Ah Wu and Ah Ba were in another car.

Ah San and Huo Yan were sitting opposite Jiang Suisui and Huo Xingyao. They were talking to Jiang Suisui about the internal affairs of the Huo family.

Huo Xingyao raised his hand and touched his face.

Hasn't she already taken the antidote?

Why, your face is still so hot?


[I went out for a day today. After I came back and took a shower, I started writing immediately! Chitose has to go to bed early tonight and get up early tomorrow to go out for the day, so I can’t write until it’s too late. 】

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