Huo Ye’s Little Wild Cat is Fierce and Cute

Chapter 895 The Chinese people see hope in Huo Linxi!

Everyone quickly opened Weibo and saw that on the first day it was pinned to the top of Weibo, there were hot searches related to Huo Linxi.

Among the top ten most searched terms, 7 are related to Huo Linxi.

Netizens across the country are searching for "Zero, the weapons master of the Chinese Academy of Sciences" to find out what kind of past he has.

According to documents disclosed by the Chinese Academy of Sciences 10 years ago, they searched for 100 prodigies with extremely high IQs across the country. However, after training and ultra-intensive courses, only three people finally entered the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Codename: Zero, this man is a great god among the great gods of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and is known as the strongest genius in China in a century!

But the report attracted little attention.

In people's eyes, the great master of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, even at a young age, is an ordinary science guy who wears thick glasses and exudes the smell of chemicals.

Who would have thought that codename: Zero would be Huo Linxi!

He was the stunningly beautiful man who shocked the financial world at the age of 15 or 6, and by the time he was 18, he was already the dream lover of the famous ladies in the capital!

There are still people searching for what impact the successful development of electromagnetic pulse weapons will have on China's military affairs and the entire world.

Since the news was exposed, various military and industrial stocks have surged!

At the same time, Huo Linxi's appearance, Huo Linxi's identity, and Huo Linxi's past experiences have become the focus of discussion among Chinese netizens.

"For many years, even if reporters and media took photos of President Huo, they would not dare to publish them.

It turns out that only the state has the authority to publish high-definition and uncensored photos of President Huo! It’s our media outlets that are not worthy! ! "

"This photo of Mr. Huo will not be deleted from the entire Internet, right?

I heard that many people used to secretly save photos of Mr. Huo on their mobile phones. When they woke up the next day, the photos on their mobile phones disappeared. "

"I want to print out Mr. Huo's photo and stick it on the wall! Lick it every day!"

"He is handsome, rich, and a big boss of the Chinese Academy of Sciences who serves the country! Mr. Huo's wife saved the entire universe in her previous life, so she can only marry him in this life!"

"All the stocks of Huo Group have started to rise sharply! With such a big boss, how could Huo Group go bankrupt?!"

After Huo Linxi successfully developed electromagnetic pulse weapons, investment companies around the world immediately changed their direction.

From being bearish to bullish, a large amount of money poured into the stock market, and the stocks of Huo's companies continued to rise.

In the conference room on the fifth floor of Huo's Financial Center, every time Song Guoming refreshed the stock market webpage, Huo's stock price doubled continuously.

Everyone was shocked when they saw the stock chart rising in a 90-degree vertical line.

"Why did it rise so fast?" Han Xiu exclaimed:

"Logically speaking, the news about Mr. Huo, the mechanical master of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, has just been exposed not long ago.

Due to the time difference, investors from other countries have not yet sold large amounts of Huo's shares.

Why did Huo's stock grow so fast? "

"Is it Mr. Huo himself who is ordering people to sell a large amount of stocks?"

The interns were all guessing, and Song Guoming said:

“In the fifteen minutes I checked, Huo’s stock had been bought a million times.

These are not investors investing in Huo's stocks, but a large number of ordinary Chinese investors investing in Huo's shares.

Although each of them only bought a few hundred thousand yuan on average, after China opened its stock market, millions of investors bought shares of a company at the same time.

There were millions of transactions in fifteen minutes, and tens of millions of transactions in half an hour.

The people of China have propped up Huo's stock. The whole country has been united to support Huo's stock price, which has pulled Huo's stock price up from the bottom. "

Song Guoming became more and more excited as he talked. He had been in the financial industry for decades and had never seen such a situation.

There were always people who said that the citizens of country K nearby gave up all their gold to the country in order to help the country survive the financial crisis.

K country is a united country, and they Chinese people will never be united.

But now, more than a billion people in China see hope in Huo Linxi.

Everyone invests a sum of money, which may seem inconspicuous in the eyes of capitalists, but hundreds of millions of people add up to form a force that surpasses all major capitals in the world.

The interns at Jinghua were no longer interested in working and kept browsing the news webpages of various companies to check the latest news reports from Huo Company.

After Huo's stock fell to the bottom, economists continued to comment that it would take Huo Linxi 5 or 10 years to get Huo's stock back on its feet.

Countless people are criticizing Huo Linxi for missing the best time to save Huo's family.

But now, in one morning, an authoritative New York agency issued a report. The market value of Huo Group not only rebounded significantly, but also hit a historic high.

The funds that had evaporated in the stock market came back tenfold and a hundredfold.

Huo Group has become the company with the highest market value in the financial world.


At this moment, in an apartment somewhere in London, country Y, a young man was sitting on a sofa chair. He held his bent legs with both hands and a lollipop in his mouth. He looked up at the dozen or so LCD screens in front of him. Screen.

The young man's eyes were wet, as pure and pure as a deer...


【New characters are out! What do you think his identity is: A: Linlin’s love rival, B: Suisui’s fourth brother, C: Suisui’s love rival (bushi!)]

Will continue to update at 8:30 pm!

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