Jiang Suisui stood up from the chair. The lights in the room were dim and she was condescending. Jiang Dinghui was lying on the ground and could not see her face clearly at the moment.

The next second, Jiang Suisui kicked Jiang Dinghui!

Jiang Dinghui was caught off guard and rolled several times on the ground with a cry of "Ouch!"

Huo Linxi and Luo Junhe, who were in the living room on the first floor, heard a "bang bang bang!" sound from their Bluetooth headsets, like someone chopping meat on the chopping board.

Jiang Dinghui howled, and after the miserable wail, his voice gradually disappeared.

Huo Linxi leaned on the back of the sofa and did not react at all to the sound of violent beatings coming from the headphones.

Luo Junhe turned his head and looked at this man.

"My sister beats people very hard, please take it easy in the future~" He warned Huo Linxi instead.

The man snorted softly, his breath cold, "I taught you Suisui's skills."

Luo Junhe: "..."

After a long time, Jiang Suisui came out of the room and walked down the stairs. Huo Linxi and Luo Junhe got up one after another.

The two of them watched the woman wearing black mid-calf boots walking down with light steps.

She was wearing a waist-cinched double-breasted, black corduroy short dress, and her long dark hair was like satin, hanging loosely on her shoulders.

Jiang Suisui's face is tender and delicate, and she still looks so sweet, lovely and lovable.

Only the mottled blood on the fingers of both hands revealed what she had just done.

Huo Linxi took out the disinfectant wipes he carried with him. He walked up to her, took one of Jiang Suisui's hands, and wiped away the blood for her.

A thin layer of frost covered her face, and a cold light overflowed from her dark eyes.

She let Huo Linxi wipe her hands, turned her face and looked at Luo Junhe.

At this moment, Jiang Suisui couldn't say a word, and she didn't know what to say to Luo Junhe.

Luo Junhe also knew what Jiang Dinghui said, and he would definitely send the audio recording to Zong Yue and Luo Sinian to listen.

"Sui Sui, you and Mr. Huo should go back first. The Jiang family will leave it to me to deal with the aftermath."

Luo Junhe said to her.

Jiang Suisui breathed in Huo Linxi's warm breath, and the cold air lingering in her nose and chest was dissipated.

Only then did she speak:

"The Huo family has its own private cell, and I will lock Jiang Dinghui in it. As for Xu Shuhui and Jiang Xixi, I will send them to Haicheng and keep them under surveillance.

Naturally, we cannot let them live in the Jiang family's large villa over in Haicheng, and let them find a place to live on their own. "

Luo Junhe nodded in agreement with her instructions one by one.

Jiang Suisui thought of something, and she said again:

"Announce that Jiang Xixi is the mistress's daughter!"

After Jiang Dinghui confessed the truth, Jiang Suisui found out that Jiang Xixi and Xu Shuhui already knew the truth.

Even though they knew the truth, they tacitly allowed Jiang Xixi to pretend to be Jiang Li's niece.

The Jiang family is crazy about money! !

At the banquet at noon today, Jiang Xixi was still going crazy in front of her.

Tomorrow, after it is announced that Jiang Xixi is the mistress's daughter, let's see how she behaves!

Luo Junhe sent Jiang Suisui away from the Jiang family villa. When Jiang Suisui was about to get in the car, she turned back and looked at Luo Junhe.

Luo Junhe waved to her, "Come here and let me hug you."

Huo Linxi sat in the driver's seat, holding the steering wheel with one hand. In the car window, his profile was cold and cold.

Jiang Suisui turned around and walked towards Luo Junhe. Luo Junhe opened his hands and held her in his arms.

His body trembled slightly...

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