Jiang Suisui, who was sitting in the co-pilot, opened her almond eyes and stared at the man for a moment. She smiled sweetly at the man.

Huo Linxi's breathing was low, he leaned over, and the shadow covered Jiang Suisui.

The man's big hand clasped the back of her head and kissed her pink lips.

Breath blend.

He is so powerful that people have nowhere to hide, so they can only obey him and be captured by him...

For some reason tonight, Jiang Suisui wanted to draw warmth from this man...

Her slender arms wrapped around the other's neck, a little more active.

In Huo Linxi's deep eyes, dark tides surged.

Huo Linxi looked at her eyebrows, her actions were so serious, as if she was fully committed.

Jiang Suisui always closed his eyes habitually, and his thick eyelashes fluttered like butterfly wings, stirring a man's heart.

He almost wanted to rub Jiang Suisui into his body.

I want to devour her, I want to eat her blood, swallow her bones and flesh, and let her be completely integrated with myself.

In this way, Huo Linxi felt that he was no longer a defective person, he was complete.

After the kiss, the man's originally dark eyes were dyed with a misty mist.

The heat in his brows made his face no longer look so cold and impersonal, but added a bit of sexiness and coquettishness.

Jiang Suisui raised his face and stared at the man dazedly.

She licked her crimson lips, and the emotion in the man's eyes rose like a tide!

She stretched out her little hand and pinched Huo Linxi's chin.

"Linlin's kissing skills seem to have improved a lot."

Huo Linxi: "..."

Capturing Jiang Suishui's eyes, there was a bit of playful and teasing emotions, the man raised his chin, pretending to be mysterious and deep:

"My other skills have also improved. Would you like to show it to you right here?"

Jiang Suisui: "..."

She looked around alertly, and then confirmed to Huo Linxi:

"right here?"


The man raised the corners of his lips, and a faint smile overflowed in his dark eyes.

He lowered his head and spoke an extraordinarily sultry voice to Jiang Suishui's small ears, tempting and seducing her:

"Try it."

Jiang Suisui: "!!!"

Her face was blushing, and she put her hands on each other's chest, trying to push the man away!

Fortunately, Huo Linxi didn't mess around. After arguing with Jiang Suisui, he fastened Jiang Suisui's seat belt, stepped on the accelerator, and drove towards Huo's house.

After Huo Linxi's disturbance, Jiang Suishui's mood has improved a lot. In addition, she has saved a lot of pictures of little milk cats in her mobile phone.

A new life always brings surprises and healing to people. Along the way, Jiang Suisui repeatedly watched the video of the little milk cat he shot several times.

Back at Huo's house, Jiang Suishui picked up the kettle and poured a glass of water. She took out the box of pills that Luo Junhe gave her, and a smile overflowed from her clear eyes.

Only a few of the drugs she developed to modify blood components are circulating in the black market. It was not easy for Luo Junhe to take pictures of this box of drugs.

Jiang Suishui remembered that the medicine was sold a long time ago, indicating that Luo Junhe and the others were prepared to guard against Si Wenyuan.

Huo Linxi changed clothes and came out of the cloakroom. He saw Jiang Suisui lowered his head and seemed to be in a daze.

He walked up and saw Jiang Suisui holding the box of medicine in his hand.

"If you don't want to eat it, you can skip it," he said.

Jiang Suishui turned his head and looked at Huo Linxi.

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