Huo Ye’s Little Wild Cat is Fierce and Cute

Chapter 949 He can’t let Jiang Suisui go

Huo Linxi's breathing stopped.

He leaned against a container, his whole body sinking into the shadows.

Thinking of what he saw, Si Shen's face.

Huo Linxi previously thought that Si Shen had investigated and found out that Jiang Suisui was his wife and deliberately disguised herself as Jiang Suisui to disgust him.

But now it seems that Si Shen's face may not be disguised, but he himself looks like that.

Jiang Suisui and Si Shen are brothers and sisters, and they look the same.

Huo Linxi asked: "Did you know that your fourth brother looks almost exactly like Suisui?"

Zong Yue was stunned for a moment. Thinking of Lan Qingfeng's reaction when he saw Jiang Suisui, he said with some shame:

"Sorry, although we are brothers, I have never seen the true face of the fourth brother.

My fourth brother is very withdrawn and has an evil temper. He has always been wearing a mask and never shows his true face to others. Moreover, he has never said a word to us..."

Huo Linxi's face was as cold as a cold pool covered with a thick layer of ice. He asked Zong Yue:

"Do you think, with Si Shen's character, he would let Suisui go for the sake of family ties?"

Zong Yue was stunned, and felt a chill in his heart.

His fourth brother, who is not close to any of his elder brothers, will let Jiang Suisui go after finding out that she is his sister?

Even Zong Yue himself had no answer.

He asked Huo Linxi:

"My fourth brother, why did he arrest Suisui?" Is it because Si Junjue knew in advance that Jiang Suisui was his sister and wanted to meet Jiang Suisui?

Zong Yue felt that this reason did not make sense.

Si Junjue has a weak concept of family affection. He is the second Si Wenyuan, sick and extremely extreme!

Huo Linxi took a breath and said in a cold voice, "According to my inference, your fourth brother may want to take revenge on me."

So what if Jiang Suisui is Si Junjue's younger sister? In order to deal with Huo Linxi, that guy will still attack Jiang Suisui!

Jiang Sui falling into Si Junjue's hands is actually the worst consequence!

Huo Linxi's jawline tightened.

It was he who brought disaster to Jiang Suisui.

Putting her in danger!

"I want the Shanghai God." He told Zong Yue, "After you come to Weihai, take over a group of my men and continue to search for Sui Sui's whereabouts in the city."

They were not 100% sure that it was Si Junjue who captured Jiang Suisui and brought her to the Poseidon.

But this possibility was very high, and Huo Linxi felt that he had to go to Shanghai God.

Zong Yue responded, "Go and have a look on the Poseidon."

Having said this, he warned: "When you get to the Poseidon, you must not reveal your identity."

This is not just because the Poseidon is Si Junjue's territory, and all of his people are there.

Once Huo Linxi exposes his identity, he will be unable to fly!

It’s also because the Poseidon is home to the most extreme group of people in Wuji. They treat non-Wuji people as second-class people, especially Chinese people. Those people have extreme and twisted hatred towards Chinese people!

In the eyes of those people, what does the Huo family in the capital mean?

If they knew Huo Linxi's identity, they would change their ways and torture Huo Linxi severely.

However, Huo Linxi ignored Zong Yue's words.

If he meets Jiang Suisui, he will definitely take Jiang Suisui off the Poseidon!

If he hadn't met Jiang Suisui, he would have determined to obtain the research information from Mohs Laboratory No. 1!

Huo Linxi cut off the video call with Zong Yue and walked out.

He opened his long legs and got on a motorcycle. At this time, Han Xiu rushed over.

"Huo...Master Huo..."

When facing this man at close range, Han Xiu shuddered subconsciously.

Han Xiu was even more frightened than when he came into contact with Huo Linxi who was wearing a disguise mask and working as Jiang Suisui's bodyguard.

Huo Linxi raised his head and glanced at the other party with an indifferent expression.

Han Xiu's whole body trembled when he saw such a glance.

"Huo... Mr. Huo, what is your relationship with Jiang Suisui?" Han Xiu chased after him just because of this question, but he was so frightened that his mind went blank and his voice trembled violently.

Huo Linxi didn't respond. Han Xiu thought that Huo Linxi didn't hear clearly what he said. When he was about to speak again, he heard Huo Linxi snort coldly:

"It's my wife."

He started the engine of the locomotive, and the locomotive under him released a ferocious roar. The locomotive turned around and took Huo Linxi away from the mining area.

Han Xiu stood there blankly, looking blankly in the direction Huo Linxi left.

It wasn't until he could no longer see Huo Linxi that he calmed down and swayed several times.

He seemed to have heard some incredible news just now! !

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