Tinkcat said to the little boy, "You can just ask for the price, and Jiuwei and I will collect enough money for you!"

But the little boy said: "The things I took pictures of are mine. Don't you guys try to steal from me!"

On the other side, the emcee reported a new price, "The buyer of Box 1 bids 500 million!"

Tink Cat and Nine-tailed Fox subconsciously looked in the direction of Box 1.

In the previous auction, the buyer in Box 1 also bought an authentic painting by Van Gogh. The transaction price of that painting was also the highest price in this auction.

This time, the buyer of Box 1 actually competed with them for a long time.

No matter who the other party is, Dingding Cat and Nine-tailed Fox will not allow Jiang Suisui to fall into the hands of others!

Jiang Suisui simply sat on the floor in the cage. From the nearly a hundred buyers present, she could distinguish the heartbeats of Tinkling Cat and Nine-tailed Fox, and also heard their conversations.

They should be talking to the God of Wealth.

The God of Wealth in the Unbounded Alliance had never had face-to-face contact with them in real life before, and from the beginning, this God of Wealth had been using a voice changer to hide his identity as a child.

Later, one time, because the God of Wealth was tugging and twitching, Cangming hacked into his computer and turned off the voice changer. The real voice of the God of Wealth was revealed.

At that time, they realized that the God of Wealth, who had been providing them with funds like a treasury that could not be moved, was just a little kid who had just turned 7 years old.

Jiang Suisui has a strong ability to recognize people by listening to sounds. Once she hears a sound, she will never forget it.

She speculated that the little boy who was with Tink Cat and Nine-tailed Fox was definitely the youngest God of Wealth in the Unbounded Alliance.

The little boy once again held up the bidding sign in his hand, "600 million! 600 million!!"

He shouted that if he dared to compete with him for more money, he would let the buyer of Box 1 know who was the father!

Lu Xiao was in the box and didn't hear the child's voice.

He only saw the bidding price on the big screen, which scrolled to 600 million.

Lu Xiao frowned slightly, he didn't want to waste time on bidding.

If Jiang Suisui is allowed to stay in front of so many people for one more second, the men under the booth will have fantasies about her for one more second!

When he thought of this, Lu Xiao wanted to dig out the eyes of the people under the booth!

He contacted the auction agent through a Bluetooth headset and said, "Just shout to me, 1 billion!"

The auction agent was stunned for a moment and asked: "Is the upper limit 1 billion?"

In an auction, if you directly bid such a high price, don't you want to be taken advantage of?

Lu Xiao growled, "Give me a price, 1 billion!"

The agent quickly reported to the emcee, "The bid for Box 1 is 1 billion!"

Soaring from 600 million to 1 billion, Jiang Suisui's auction price nearly tripled.

The whole place was shocked. People who often come to the Poseidon know that this is the highest price ever paid in a population auction!

Ye Sheng'er's shoulders trembled slightly, and she shouted in a charming voice:

"Brother Xiao, that woman is worth 1 billion in your eyes? Then how many billion am I worth in your eyes?"

She seemed to be teasing Lu Xiao, deliberately teasing him.

Lu Xiao, standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, only gave Ye Sheng'er a cold and distant figure.

"She is more than 1 billion." Lu Xiao's cold voice sounded.

Ye Sheng'er was stunned, "What did you say?"

Lu Xiao's golden eyes stared intensely at Jiang Suisui's delicate and sweet face on the large LCD screen.

"She is priceless."


"Damn! One billion?!" Tink Cat cursed, and then she realized that they had met their opponent.

The nine-tailed fox frowned slightly. She had a premonition that the buyer of Box 1 could quote a price of 1 billion in one breath, and he would definitely be able to double it later.

The emcee standing on the stage said excitedly: "One billion, and no one has ever offered a higher price than one billion?!"

Tinker Cat encouraged the little boy, "Grandpa God of Wealth, bid quickly, 1.1 billion, 1.2 billion! Just shout!"

Under the Peppa Pig mask, the little boy's cheeks bulged slightly, "This woman is not worth a billion in my eyes, I won't follow you anymore!"

Tink Cat and Nine-tailed Fox immediately became nervous.

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