Huo Ye’s Little Wild Cat is Fierce and Cute

Chapter 957: Play melee combat with her, don’t overestimate your capabilities!

As Jiang Suisui broke out of the cage, those black snakes also crawled out!

Countless small black snakes were swimming around the booth. The scene at this moment was as terrifying as hell!

The emcee, who was originally standing on the stage, had already rushed off the stage with a pale face.

The guests sitting under the stage also stood up and retreated in a panic.

Both Tink Cat and Nine-tailed Fox stood still, and Tink Cat's eyes glowed with excitement.

"I knew nothing would happen to Xiao Suisui! Ha! Shackles and a cage, what fool thought that they could trap Xiao Suisui!"

As for the little boy sitting on the sofa, he crossed one of his legs. The snakes were about to crawl under the stage, but he didn't pay attention at all.

He became extremely interested in Jiang Suisui and stared at the woman standing on the stage with great interest.

As far as he knew, over the years, even if there were slaves who resisted, those slaves would be eliminated within 30 seconds. No one had ever been able to cause a big storm on the Poseidon.

Jiang Suisui didn't wear any shoes, and her snow-white feet stepped on the cold wooden floor.

To prevent her from hiding the drug, the maid took off her shoes.

The little black snake swam past her feet, and the snow-white light falling from above her head shone on Jiang Suisui.

Her figure was slender and thin, her long dark hair draped over her shoulders, and she looked so fragile.

Someone rushed up and tried to restrain her.

Jiang Suisui raised his hand and punched, and blood and teeth spurted out of the opponent's mouth!

Play close combat with her, don't overestimate your own capabilities!

Si Junjue, who was staring closely at the surveillance screen, cursed in his mind, "Idiot!"

Before the man whose molars were broken by Jiang Suisui could react, Jiang Suisui took the gun away from him!

She kicked her legs, and the bright red skirt bloomed and flew like petals. The strong man she kicked fell to the ground like a dead pig.

Jiang Suisui's feet and hands were still hung with shackles with broken chains, but these tools could not restrain her.

A powerful aura was released from Jiang Suisui. At this moment, she did not look like a prisoner, but became the most colorful protagonist on the booth.

"Sui Sui!"

At this time, Lu Xiao, who was standing in the audience, stretched out his hand to her.

Jiang Suisui didn't move, her gaze swept across the entire venue.

Lu Xiao couldn't save her.

So what if she leaves with Lu Xiao?

Are the two of them going to jump directly into the sea from the cruise ship?

The cruise ship has sailed into the open sea. Once it falls into the vast sea, they will all die soon!


Jiang Suisui saw gun barrels sticking out from the lamp above his head.

In the auction venue, the audience had almost left, and nearly a hundred bodyguards with guns surrounded the booth.

Professional snake repellers throw pungent sulfur smoke cans to disperse all the snakes on the ground.

There were gun barrels sticking out from the walls on both sides of the booth and the first row of seats below, aiming at Jiang Suisui.

"Lu Xiao, step back."

Jiang Suisui shouted to him, but Lu Xiao didn't move. There was no way he could just watch Jiang Suisui fall into danger.

Unable to persuade Lu Xiao, Jiang Suisui's cheeks bulged slightly and she sighed softly.

"Then just stand where you are and don't move." She told Lu Xiao. In such danger, she could not guarantee Lu Xiao's safety.

Facing so many guns, Jiang Suisui looked indifferent.

She turned around and glanced at the giant LCD screen behind her.

She remembered that Huo Linxi once told her that large LCD screens like this were all assembled, and assembly meant that it had one or several places that were very fragile.

Just take out one tiny screw and it will collapse!

Jiang Suisui's gaze swept across the giant LCD screen, and through the artificial cornea, she captured a flaw that could not be seen with the naked eye.

She fired and hit somewhere on the LCD screen. The next second, the giant screen, which was 7 meters high and 10 meters wide, was shattered by that almost inconspicuous bullet!

The LCD screen turns on instantly! It exploded into countless pieces, flying and collapsing!

Jiang Suisui rushed to the bottom of the LCD screen!

At this moment, behind her, a hail of bullets was coming!

Lu Xiao's eyes were wide open, and both Tink Cat and Nine-tailed Fox were frightened!

Countless bullets hit the falling fragments of the LCD screen.

Those large and small fragments became Jiang Suisui's natural barrier to avoid bullets.

She jumped up, retracted her legs, and rolled down the stage, into the void backstage, avoiding the screen fragments falling like snow flakes.

Si Junjue saw Jiang Suisui's figure disappear on the surveillance screen.

He nodded slightly and mentally calculated where Jiang Suisui would hide. He raised his hand and pressed a certain button.

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