The maid sat by the bathtub and washed her hair.

"How long have you been following Si Junjue?"

Jiang Suisui asked them.

The maid didn't answer.

Jiang Suisui glanced at the extremely quiet maids. They were like robots, focusing on washing Jiang Suisui's hair.

Jiang Suisui understood immediately that she couldn't ask anything from these maids.


At the auction venue, the gun-toting bodyguards have been withdrawn, and the fully automatic weapons and equipment have been retracted from the walls and under the seats.

Lu Xiao stood in the ruins behind the booth. He couldn't find Jiang Suisui.

Jiang Suisui disappeared like this, which is really incredible.

Did the owner of the Poseidon send someone to capture her? Or did Jiang Suisui escape from the auction venue?

But where on this giant cruise ship could she run and hide without being caught by the owner of the Poseidon?


Tinkcat also walked to the backstage and looked around. The surroundings were in a mess, and the ground was full of sharp fragments.

However, she looked around carefully and found that there was no trace of blood on these fragments.

Jiang Suisui should be safe and sound, but where has she gone?

The nine-tailed fox and the God of Wealth also came over. The God of Wealth, wearing a Peppa Pig mask, muttered, "Where is she? She wants to be seen alive, but she wants to be seen dead."

Ting Ding Cat replied to him, "Xiao Suisui must be fine! Don't be so talkative!"

Lu Xiao recognized the voice of Tink Cat, and his eyes swept over the nine-tailed fox and the God of Wealth.

The other girl should be the nine-tailed fox.

And this little boy wearing a pink pig head mask...

Lu Xiao said: "God of Wealth?"

The God of Wealth was immediately startled.

How could the head of the Lu family know his code name in the Unbounded Alliance?

Dingding Cat held the God of Wealth's shoulders and whispered in his ear, "This is one of our own."

The God of Wealth shouted with resistance: "Who is one of our own!"

Tink Cat only mouthed two words: "Kill the God."

God of Wealth: "???" This is really one of our own! !

He let out a small snort from beneath his mask.

He raised his face and glared at Lu Xiao.

In the Unbounded Alliance, Killing God is the least gregarious, and he is only close to Jiu Qian Sui.

The God of Wealth dislikes killing gods the most. As the saying goes, there is no room for two tigers in one mountain. If two bad-tempered people face each other, they will only fight.

Lu Xiao's indifferent and cold gaze swept across the face of the God of Wealth.

This was the first time he saw the God of Wealth in person, and he was indeed a child.

Lu Xiao knew that this child was from Wujizhou, and he speculated in his mind about the true identity of the God of Wealth.

"Hmph, let me tell you, I want that Jiang Suisui, young master! You can't even try to steal it from me!"

The little boy yelled at him coolly, and Lu Xiao glanced at him, completely ignoring the little boy.

"Brother Xiao."

As Ye Sheng'er walked over, Dingdingmao smelled the familiar scent of perfume on her body.

The perfume Ye Sheng'er wore was also developed by Jiang Suisui. This perfume was first used by Lu Xiao. Suddenly one day, this men's fragrance was sold out.

At that time, Dingdingmao wanted to buy this perfume as a gift for his brother, but there was no place to buy it. Jiang Suisui made an extra bottle for Dingdingmao based on Ning Che's preference.

Ye Sheng'er's eyes swept from Ding Ding Cat to the nine-tailed fox for half a second, then returned to Lu Xiao.

"Brother Xiao, it's such a pity that you couldn't take a photo of Jiang Suisui.

If she ran away like that, she would be dealt with.

Why don't we contact [Poseidon], give him 5 billion directly, and buy Jiang Suisui from him. "

Ye Sheng'er's face often appears in the media, and Dingdingmao and the others all recognize her.

The eldest lady of the Ye family, one of the four major families in Wujizhou, can be said to be a celebrity in Wujizhou. She is also quite popular in other countries.

The Ye family in Wuji Continent was connected with the Ye family in the capital more than two hundred years ago. The Ye family in the capital was a side branch of the Ye family in Wuji Continent.

Although Ye Sheng'er is not in the entertainment industry, she holds shares in several film and television companies and entertainment brokerage companies.

Ye Sheng'er not only has business acumen, she is also the president of Ye's Group and will fully inherit Ye's industry in the future.

Everyone knows that Ye Sheng'er is very fond of the head of the Lu family. The two have grown up together, and the two families also intend to marry.

But Ye Sheng'er now said that she was going to [Poseidon] to buy Jiang Suisui. She seemed to be very generous to Lu Xiao in buying a woman.

Dingdingmao pursed her lips and said, "If you go to find Poseidon, then you can take us with you. My master also wants to buy Jiang Suisui."

Ye Sheng'er's gaze passed over the God of Wealth, with a slight smile in her eyes.

"Which family does the young master belong to? There seems to be no child as old as you in the direct lineage of the four major families."

The implication is that he is telling this child not to compete with the four major families for Jiang Suisui.

The God of Wealth stood in Peppa Pig's face and shouted at Ye Sheng'er:

"I am your father!"


[How many people saw this title and thought Si Baba appeared~ This is the last three-chapter update this month! See you tomorrow at noon! Let me tell you some good news! 】

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