Huo Ye’s Little Wild Cat is Fierce and Cute

Chapter 969 Underground Boxing Champion—The Star of Disaster

Jiang Suisui tried hard to suppress her emotions to prevent Si Junjue from discovering her abnormality.

This man had a grudge against Huo Linxi, and he found out that Huo Linxi appeared on the Poseidon, so that's okay!

Jiang Suisui's eyes fell on the group of "slaves" in the Colosseum.

Nervousness spread within her.

She was caught by Si Junjue in less than a day. Originally, she planned to spend six days slowly dealing with Si Junjue, but the moment she felt Huo Linxi's appearance.

Jiang Suisui felt that it had been a long time since he left Huo Linxi.

In the morning, I lay on the same bed with him, hugging him, lying on him like a koala.

But the seven hours and 42 minutes they were apart from him made Jiang Suisui feel that she had not seen Huo Linxi for a century.

When that man was not by her side, her heart felt calm and indifferent without any waves.

But when the man appeared, just hearing his heartbeat, Jiang Suisui's heart also started beating violently.

She pretended to be calm and only focused her gaze on the seven slaves, looking for Huo Linxi among them.

Some of the seven slaves were dressed in rags and their clothes were barely covering their bodies. Some people's clothes are relatively new, but because they have been detained for a period of time, everyone's hair is messy and their beards are unkempt.

They didn't wear any protective gear, and they were holding weapons of their own choice.

The weapons given to these slaves are actually not very lethal.

Some people hold iron rods in their hands, some people hold a knife in their hands, and some people hold a nine-section whip in their hands. If you don't know how to use these things, you will only hurt yourself when using them.

When they were snatching weapons from each other, some of them failed to grab anything. One slave was holding a bear trap in his hand, and another slave was holding a bundle of ropes. His face was full of despair.

They didn't know that they were facing someone holding a rope and a bear trap. What role can these weapons play when being besieged by so many direwolves.

At this time, Jiang Suisui heard someone in the audience shout, "That person is a bad luck star!"

On the big screen, the identity information of these slaves was displayed. Among them was a slave with the number: 777. His identity profile read:

The underground boxing ring of China - the star of disaster.

When this name appeared, even the people from Wujizhou, who had always looked down on foreigners, cried out in excitement.

They worship the strong, and they are particularly interested in talented boxing champions like Banxing.

Many people stood up from their seats excitedly.

"Misfortune! You win for me! I want to buy you!"

"He's actually a lucky star. He hasn't boxed for 7 or 8 years, right? I don't know if his boxing skills are rusty now."

"This time it's not about boxing, it's about fighting beasts! Hahaha! It's so interesting. I didn't expect that I could see the underground boxing champion of China fighting beasts here!"

Si Qiyou, who was sitting among them, asked Tink Cat, "What are they shouting? What is the Blessing Star?"

The eyes of Tink Cat and Nine-tailed Fox all fell on a certain slave in the Colosseum, and they were also full of curiosity about the bane star.

The nine-tailed fox said: "Misfortune is the underground boxing king of China and a master of black boxing.

Eight years ago, underground boxing champions from many countries challenged him, but he was defeated by him all with one punch.

He is the only person who has won the title of King of Kings since the emergence of the Chinese underground boxing world. He is regarded as a god by the world's underground boxing circles.

Later, he retired from boxing. At that time, many people spread that the bad guy left boxing because of injuries. "

No matter how powerful the misfortune is, he is still a human being. In the underground boxing ring, injuries are common. Boxers have concussions and many brain injuries. Once the disease occurs, it will be difficult for them to live.

Many people believe that the misfortune must be due to injury and can no longer box.

At this moment, even the Wujizhou people did not expect that the misfortune star would actually appear in front of them.

"Woe star! Woe star!"

Hundreds of spectators were shouting the name of the misfortune star.

Jiang Suisui saw countless people's eyes flashing with brilliance.

She accidentally heard the name of the underground boxing champion, Wuxing, from the Wolf King. The Wolf King particularly admired Wuxing and even consciously imitated Wuxing's moves.

"I didn't expect that people from Wujizhou would be so enthusiastic about a Chinese boxing king."

Jiang Suisui sighed, and Si Junjue said:

"Everyone here loves to pursue blood and excitement. They are so excited when they see the misfortune star. They are just looking forward to the misfortune star being bitten to death by the seven wolves!"

Si Junjue's words were extremely cruel, but what he said was indeed the truth.

Jiang Suisui asked him, "In order to entertain these people, you kidnapped the misfortune star?"


[Misfortune star, Huo... you know~]

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