Huo Ye’s Little Wild Cat is Fierce and Cute

Chapter 972 Let Fu Xing and Jiang Suisui fight each other

There was a direwolf that had been tied to the fence by a rope from the bane star.

Bane quickly untied the rope. He grabbed the rope with one hand and held down the direwolf's thigh with the other hand. He turned over and Bane sat on the direwolf's back!

The direwolf struggled and squirmed, and the Scoundrel tightened the rope around its neck.

As the direwolf howled and struggled, it raised its forelimb paws and waved randomly! Then he beat a slave to the ground.

The misfortune star raised the dagger in his hand and stabbed the wolf in the back!

He didn't dig deep enough, but it was enough to make the wolf feel pain.

The only surviving direwolf in the whole place let out a whining sound.

Bane's dagger was pulled from its back and pierced the skin on the back of the direwolf's neck.

When it saw its companions falling to the ground covered in blood, and being controlled by others, the direwolf finally learned to surrender.

The misfortune star sat on the back of the snow direwolf, condescending, staring at the people below with his dark and indifferent eyes.

When a slave saw that the direwolf was no longer moving, he couldn't wait to rush up and wanted to climb on the wolf like the evil star!

The wolf opened its fangs and bit down!

Half of the man's body was bitten by it.

The direwolf raised his head and swallowed the slave into his belly!

The other five slaves looked extremely ugly!

They tried to get behind the direwolf, but the direwolf turned like a horse.

The direwolf roared, leaned forward, and bit those slaves!

The audience was exclaiming, and even Si Qiyou made a sound of exclamation.

"I want to buy him! I want to buy him!!"

The nine-tailed fox holding Si Qiyou looked at the misfortune sitting on the wolf's back, and she instinctively trembled.

This man is so scary!

It was his aura that completely suppressed the direwolf. Animals have a keener sixth sense than humans. To be able to make such a violent beast surrender, this man is so terrifying! !

The direwolf turned around and slapped the person underneath again, sending them flying away.

The man fell to the ground and rolled several times. Before he could recover, the direwolf stepped on his body and bit off his head!

At this moment, Si Junjue, who was sitting high up, leaned back and leaned on the back of the sofa chair.

He held his head with one hand and looked at the scene in the Colosseum in a somewhat bleak mood.

"Really boring."

Si Junjue spoke lazily, and there was no need for him to issue a clear order. The bodyguards who had been following Si Junjue for a long time naturally understood the meaning behind his words.

A bodyguard raised his shotgun and aimed it at the bane star sitting on the wolf's back.

When Jiang Suisui saw the bodyguard's behavior, she said angrily: "You do this again!!"

It was too late for her to stop him, because the other bodyguard also raised his shotgun!

Jiang Suisui had no choice but to control two people at the same time.

At this time, gunfire rang out!

"Bang bang!"


After three gunshots, soon there was another "Bang!"

After the bullet fired by Jiang Suisui hit one bullet, the bullet she shot away hit the second bullet that hit the misfortune star, and then the fourth gunshot erupted. !

Si Junjue saw that Jiang Suisui used a bullet to stop two bullets fired by his bodyguard.

He twitched the corners of his lips and hummed a threat:

"Jiang Suisui! You are capable!"

Bane heard gunshots in the air.

Sitting on the wolf's back, he turned around and looked in the direction where the gunfire came from...

He saw Jiang Suisui standing up high in the auditorium, wearing a bright red dress. She was holding a shotgun in her hand.

Many viewers also looked in the direction where Jiang Suisui was. She was slender and petite, and the shotgun she held in her arms made her look even more frail and celestial.

But how could she be so weak? Not only could she fire the shotgun steadily, but she could also explode both bullets!

This woman is incredible! !

Si Qiyou took a deep sip of Wangzai milk, and the carton in his hand was deflated by him.

"This Jiang Suisui is pretty good at shooting. I want to buy her and let her have chicken with me!"

The nine-tailed fox touched Si Qiyou's little head. Whether it was the misfortune star or Jiang Suisui, the God of Wealth felt like he was buying vegetables in the market.

But if Si Qiyou can buy Jiang Suisui, that is the best. As for the misfortune...

"Grandpa, the God of Wealth, let's try to buy Miss Jiang. That evil star, buy him. You have to be careful of him punching you in the head!"

Si Qiyou was already imagining what life would be like after he bought both Fu Xing and Jiang Suisui.

He said, "I want Fu Xing and Jiang Suisui to fight each other! Let's see who is the most powerful among them!"

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