Huo Ye’s Little Wild Cat is Fierce and Cute

Chapter 974 Not only did you bully me, you also wanted to kill me!

Ye Sheng'er raised the corners of her lips and licked her lower lip.

This man is really interesting~

Naturally, she has heard of the name of the Chinese boxing king, Fuxing, but Fuxing has retired from boxing for nearly 8 years.

The misfortune star has not boxed for 8 years, so his physical fitness and reflexes must have declined significantly.

But now, the misfortune star brings endless joy to everyone!

The misfortune star looks to be around 30 years old. This age is in line with everyone's guesses about the misfortune star's true age.

His appearance is ordinary, with no special features, typical Chinese physical features.

What makes people look at him with an extra layer of filters is his powerful skills. This man exudes gangsterism and wildness all over his body.


Jiang Suisui sat on the chair. She wanted to look less nervous.

She couldn't let Si Junjue notice any uneasiness in her.

She could only lower her head and lower her eyelashes, not looking at the endless battle in the Colosseum.

Suddenly, Si Junjue's body tilted slightly toward her, and the man approached her.

"Sui Sui, your heart is beating so fast."

Jiang Suisui just changed the topic, "When will this beast fighting match end?"

Si Junjue said: "Until all the beasts and slaves on my cruise ship are dead~"

Jiang Suisui said: "Didn't you say before that the beast fighting competition will last for several days? Now, you have released all the beasts and slaves?"

Si Junjue waited for a while before he spoke quietly, "You seem to care about Fuxing very much. Do you know Fuxing?"

Jiang Suisui admitted: "I know him, I don't want to see anything happen to him."

She finally understood that the connection between her and Si Junjue was particularly strong.

Not only do they look alike, their hearts are connected.

Just like Jiang Suisui, who can feel Si Junjue's emotions through the mask.

Si Junjue could also feel the emotions deep in her heart.

Therefore, if she lies or conceals something in front of Si Junjue, this man will clearly feel it.

She and Si Junjue are not twins, but they are better than twins.

But this man had no affection for her at all.

When Jiang Suisui thought about it, she remembered that Zong Yue, Luo Junhe and Luo Si Nian were all kind to her.

Her throat was sore, and she missed her three brothers a little.

"What's wrong with you?" Si Junjue asked her. Jiang Suisui didn't speak, but he could feel that there was a bad smile in the man's voice:

"Why are you wronged? Hey, do you think I'm bullying you?"

"Isn't it? Not only did you bully me, you also wanted to kill me!"

Jiang Suisui's cheeks bulged slightly, and Si Junjue's cold and ruthless voice sounded in her ears:

"It seems like it's a torment for you to watch the bane star's gladiatorial match?

If you want this endless game to end early, then just kill the bad luck star with one shot! "

Jiang Suisui's pupils widened, and his bright eyes swayed like water.

Si Junjue's voice was like a ghost, echoing lowly in her ears:

"Look at how excited those people are! They are all waiting for the misfortune star to fall.

These people have a lot of patience, because they feel that if they wait just a little longer, the boxing king will be beheaded!

The most exciting and exciting thing in the world is to destroy something perfect and powerful in front of everyone! ! "

Jiang Suisui endured the ups and downs of emotions, and the chill that spread from Si Junjue gradually infected her.

She turned her head and looked at Si Junjue.

The other person was wearing a mask, so Jiang Suisui couldn't see his face, but she could feel that Si Junjue exuded a dangerous aura.

This man is like a child who has not grown up.

He likes to play pranks, likes to knock down the blocks that people have worked hard to stack, likes to destroy, and likes to see all the good things in the world destroyed before his eyes!

Si Junjue thrust the shotgun into her hand.

"You shoot at the misfortune star, he falls down, and this endless battle is over!"

Jiang Suisui held the shotgun. She stood up and pointed the shotgun at the arena!


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