Huo Ye’s Little Wild Cat is Fierce and Cute

Chapter 992 He seems to be jealous of me

"Sorry, I'm a rough guy and don't know how to dance~"

While he was talking, the toe of "Jiang Suisui's" shoe was stepped on by the misfortune star again.

"Jiang Suisui" felt his heart twitch.

asshole! This guy is so powerful! I'm going to crush her shoes!

And the misfortune star lowered his head, looked at the feet of "Jiang Suisui", and asked in a light voice:

"Are you okay?"

However, there was no emotion of concern in his eyes.

"Jiang Suisui" wore a long skirt with a large skirt that did not reach her feet.

While dancing, Blessing Star lifted up her skirt intentionally or unintentionally.

It seemed that he was trying to avoid stepping on her feet, but every time, the misfortune would step on her feet accurately!

"Yo, you're wearing flats."

The bane star murmured softly.

Jiang Suisui wears flat shoes, but they are not of this height.

And "Jiang Suisui" obviously didn't look good after being stepped on several times by him.

Seeing that Wuxing realized that she was wearing flat shoes, she didn't want Wuxing to think too much, so she sighed and said:

"Mr. Fortune Star, I made a completely wrong decision by inviting you to dance!"

The misfortune star opened his thin lips, and his eyes were filled with cold emotions.

His voice was low and hoarse, "How could it be a wrong decision? Look at that man, he seems to be a famous man, the head of the Lu family, one of the four major families in Wujizhou.

He seems to be very jealous of me. The look in Mr. Lu's eyes makes it look like he will rush up and kill me in the next second! "

There was no trace of fear in the voice of the bane star.

At this time, "Jiang Suisui" let go of his hand.

"I won't dance with you anymore, I want to dance with someone else."

"Jiang Suisui" had just let go of Fu Xing's hand. On the dance floor, a guest came up and grabbed "Jiang Suisui's" hand.

"Jiang Suisui" danced with the guest.

When Lu Xiao saw this scene, his eyebrows twitched, and he saw Fu Xing walking out of the dance floor, so he strode forward.

"Why don't you dance with Sui Sui?"

The misfortune star replied, "She thinks I can't dance well."

Lu Xiao was stunned, couldn't this man dance the waltz?

It shouldn't be possible, right?

But Lu Xiao was not sure whether the misfortune star would dance the waltz.

Lu Xiao didn't have time to think too much. He saw "Jiang Suisui" dancing with other guests on the dance floor. The middle-aged man held "Jiang Suisui"'s hand with one hand and put his arm around "Jiang Suisui's" slender waist. superior.

Lu Xiao's face instantly turned black into an inkstone!

When Ye Sheng'er saw Lu Xiao enter the dance floor, her expression changed obviously.

Didn’t Lu Xiao say he didn’t want to dance?

But seeing Jiang Suisui dancing with other guests, he hurried in? !

Immediately afterwards, Ye Sheng'er saw Lu Xiao holding "Jiang Suisui's" hand, and the two danced together in the grand symphony.

After the bane star came out of the dance floor, he stood in the corner.

He crossed his arms in front of his chest and stared at the two people dancing together on the dance floor.

"Jiang Suisui" is like a fish in water in Lu Xiao's hands. She dances lightly in accordance with the music, and her skirt floats around her feet like clouds.

Lu Xiao's gaze never left "Jiang Suisui's" face for a second.

He was fascinated by "Jiang Suisui".

The woman smiled at him, her face sweet and dazzling.

At this moment, everyone else on the dance floor had turned into blurry afterimages, and Lu Xiao could only see "Jiang Suisui".

He said aloud: "I will take you out of here."

"Jiang Suisui" raised the corners of his lips, "How much are you going to spend to buy me?"

"10 billion, 20 billion, I will use all the available funds! If you can't buy it, I will snatch it away from you!"

"Jiang Suisui" raised the corners of his lips and laughed like a silver bell.

"If you want to rob the Poseidon, aren't you afraid that [Poseidon] will kill you?"

The tone of the last four words, "Jiang Suisui", changed slightly.

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