Huo Ye’s Little Wild Cat is Fierce and Cute

Chapter 996 There is no way to save the day!

The light shone on Jiang Suisui's body, and her moist skin had a beautiful luster like mutton-fat jade.

Sensitive people will find that the Jiang Suisui who appears in front of them at this moment is more glorious than the Jiang Suisui who shot Lu Xiao just now.

She is the beauty in this world, with a pure appearance, ignorant of worldly affairs, and alluring.

But when they thought of Jiang Suisui's actions just now, everyone had different expressions on their faces.

Some people stepped back in panic, fearing that Jiang Suisui would suddenly shoot them.

Some turned around to call for bodyguards, while others glared at Jiang Suisui angrily.

Someone else pulled out his own gun and pointed it at Jiang Suisui.

But at this moment, Fu Xing, who was walking next to Jiang Suisui, had an aura that exploded!

The fierce and pressing pressure swept the entire place.

Many people were shaken by the invisible pressure, and their hands holding the guns trembled unconsciously.

Jiang Suisui came to Lu Xiao's side. The moment Ye Sheng'er saw her, she was filled with hatred!

"How dare you come back?! I'm going to kill you!!"

The moment she raised her gun at Jiang Suisui, Fu Xing took action and crushed Ye Sheng'er's wrist bone! His actions are brutal and show no mercy!

The gun in Ye Sheng'er's hand fell into the hands of Fu Xing.

The moment Ye Sheng'er screamed, Lu Xiao and the bodyguards beside Ye Sheng'er drew their guns together, and aimed at Fu Xing and Jiang Suisui with more than a dozen black muzzles.

The air where they were was tense instantly.

It seems that if the gun goes off accidentally, a fierce battle will break out!

However, Jiang Suisui seemed to have never heard of it.

She knelt down and was about to reach out her hand to check Lu Xiao's injury, but was stopped by the doctor on the side.

"what are you doing?!"

"Someone, catch her quickly!"

The doctor took immediate action to subdue Jiang Suisui. Jiang Suisui didn't go to see the doctor. She raised her slender arms and threw him away!

She raised her hand, touched her hair, and pulled out several fine silver needles from her long dark hair.

"If you want him to live, don't mess with me!"

Jiang Suisui scolded, the invisible majesty suppressing everyone!

The silver needle in her hand had already penetrated into Lu Xiao's body, sealing several of his acupuncture points to stop his bleeding.

Ye Sheng'er's right wrist was twisted and fractured by the misfortune star. Her entire face quickly lost color, and she was so painful that she almost fainted.

But when she saw Jiang Suisui touching Lu Xiao, Ye Sheng'er burst into a sharp roar like an angry lioness!

"Don't touch him! Shoot! Kill this woman for me!!!"

Before Ye Sheng'er could finish her words, Fu Xing had already kicked several bodyguards away!

At this time, Tink Cat and Nine-tailed Fox rushed forward!

In this case, they no longer intend to hide their identities!

Dingding Cat opened a tube of potion, and the white smoke inside quickly poured out!

The smoke dispersed from around Jiang Suisui, and in an instant, all the doctors and bodyguards around him fell unconscious.

The bane star quickly took a few steps back and held his breath.

He had been injected with enhanced drugs before boarding the ship, and he had drug antibodies in his body. He was able to resist this kind of drug.

Ye Sheng'er inhaled the drug, her legs went weak, and she collapsed to the ground weakly.

However, she was using her willpower to hold on, not wanting to pass out.

Her eyes were so wide that they were about to burst. She lay on the ground and tried hard to crawl over to Lu Xiao's direction.

But in the end, Ye Sheng'er still couldn't resist the effect of the drug, and she fell to the ground.

Jiang Suisui knelt beside Lu Xiao and took out a scalpel from the medical box next to the doctor. She cut open Lu Xiao's chest and took out the shrapnel from his chest.

Then she started sewing again.

The guests all hid aside and watched Jiang Suisui operating on Lu Xiao. Each of them was confused.

What's happening here?

Why did Jiang Suisui shoot and kill Lu Xiao, and now he has to perform surgery on him?

Jiang Suisui was so focused on the operation that it was almost difficult for people to catch with the naked eye the flying movements of her hands while she was suturing.

After suturing Lu Xiao's heart, Jiang Suisui used a pacemaker.

However, the heart monitor screen still did not show any heartbeat fluctuations.

The best time to rescue is within 4 minutes after the heart stops. If the patient is not rescued, nothing can be saved.

Only then did Ting Ding Cat panic, "This... this guy... really has no heartbeat??!"

She looked at Jiang Suisui blankly, with a worried expression on her face.

The nine-tailed fox opened his mouth to say something, but not a single syllable came out.

In fact, when Jiang Suisui sutured Lu Xiao's heart, the man was already helpless.

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