Huoye, Madam Went To the Sky Bridge Again To Set Up a Stall

Chapter 847 Ruan Ruan personally entertained someone from the Huo family

Huo Yunqiu looked at Qin Ruan, and under his dark eyes, Qin Ruan felt a little guilty, because the gentle smile on this person's face was gradually disappearing.

"You haven't slept all night?"

The other party's deep voice entered Qin Ruan's ears.

Qin Ruan tightened her body subconsciously, looked away inadvertently, and said in a calm voice, "It's a little troublesome, and it's dawn before you know it."

Huo Yunjiao looked at her fixedly, frowning slightly, and soon relaxed again.

He handed the toy in his hand to the nearest Huo Yao, as if he didn't see Qin Ruan's guilty conscience, got up and walked towards her.

"I left you breakfast, and then go upstairs to rest after eating?"

Qin Ruan's hand was grasped by Wen Liang, she lowered her eyes and stared at the clasped hands of the two, her expression stunned.

Looking up at the third master Huo who was standing in front of him, for some reason flashed in his mind, the figure in Fengducheng was covered in blood and in ragged clothes.

The sourness and sadness in her eyes were seen in Huo Yunqiu's eyes, and her brows were slightly wrinkled: "What's the matter? Was wronged outside?"

Qin Ruan shook his head, blinked his pantothenic eyes, and said in a relaxed tone, "No, I'm just tired and a little sleepy."

"Go to bed after dinner."

The third master's voice was gentle, and he took Qin Ruan's hand and walked to the restaurant.

His eyelids drooped slightly, hiding the darkness that flashed from the bottom of his eyes.

Qin Ruan was not quite right.

When I came back from this trip, I felt like I was carrying a heavy shackle on my body.

On the way back, Qin Ruan recalled everything she had experienced after her rebirth and everyone she had met.

It seemed that there was nothing involved, but the more she came into contact, the deeper the fear in her heart.

Continuing to move forward, she didn't know what the wait would be, and the unease in her heart was getting bigger and bigger.

Something seems out of control.

Qin Ruan sat at the dining room table, and under Huo Yunjie's gentle gaze, he ate quietly as usual.


Two in the afternoon.

Qin Ruan lay on the comfortable and soft bed, opened her lazy eyes, and was exhausted.

Arms stretched out from under the quilt and stretched without image.

The exhaustion of running around all night disappeared at this time, and only the body was full of comfort.

If you can ignore the occasional tingling from the waist down when you sit up, that's all the better.

"Dong dong!"

Qin Ruan just leaned on the head of the bed when someone knocked on the door from outside.

If it is the third master, it is impossible to knock on the door.

Qin Ruan lifted the quilt for a while, reached for the water glass on the bedside table, and shouted to the door, "Come in."

The door was pushed open, and Huo Zhi walked in with even steps.

She stood at the head of the bed and said respectfully, "Madam, the Huo family is coming to the south. In previous years, the third master entertained them. Today, unfortunately, the third master went to the company. Would you like to go down and have a look?"

Qin Ruan drank half a glass of water, her clear and calm eyes focused on Huo Zhi who was standing beside the bed.

"When did the third master leave?"

Huo Zhi: "After lunch, the master answered a call and went to the company."

Qin Ruan asked again, "How many people came from the side branch?"

"Twelve people, including the family of Ninth Uncle."

Qin Ruan raised his eyebrows when he heard the words.

Ninth Uncle, the representative of the elders of the Huo family, is relatively old in the Huo family, and has a certain right to speak, and Mrs. Huo will not embarrass him face to face.

This man has a lot of opinions on her, and has been running around to prevent her from accepting the punishment hall.

Qin Ruan put down the water glass in his hand, lifted the quilt and went to the ground, and ordered Huo Zhi in a clear and orderly manner: "Since people are here, follow the rules of the third master's hospitality in previous years."

She wasn't going to get her hands on it.

The people from the main branch of the Huo family have not yet recognized it, and there is no need for people from the side branches to get involved.

Huo Zhi raised her head and glanced at Qin Ruan carefully, and said more and more respectfully, "Madam, the master said that you are the mistress of the family, and these things will be in your hands in the future."

Qin Ruan walked to the bathroom for a while, then turned around and asked uncertainly, "When did the third master say that?"

Huo Zhi explained honestly, "Before I went to the company."

Qin Ruan laughed when he heard the words, this was clearly premeditated.

The room was silent for a long time, and Qin Ruan compromised: "Then tell me, how did the third master entertain them in the past? What do you need to pay attention to when dealing with people on the side?"


Huo Zhi instructed the servants downstairs to bring the members of the side branch of the Huo family who were waiting downstairs to the side hall.

Immediately, she walked into the bathroom quickly, and when Qin Ruan was washing, she informed the attention of the third master Huo when entertaining the members of the side branch in previous years, and by the way, during the festivals, the attitude of entertaining different people was detailed. .

Half an hour later, Qin Ruan and Huo Zhi went downstairs one after the other.

There were three young people sitting in the hall downstairs.

The young man sitting in the middle of the sofa was lost, and his mood seemed unstable.

He closed his eyes lightly, one hand clenched into a fist, resting on his lap, the other holding a half-lit cigarette.

The man on the left said in a deep voice, "Huo Qi, what's the matter with you?"

The young man named Huo Qi sat in the middle, opened his bloodshot eyes, and his voice was exhausted: "Sixth brother, I haven't slept well for several days, please let me clean up."

The young man who was ranked sixth in the side branch gritted his teeth and said bitterly, "This is where you can sleep?! Tell me honestly what have you been doing these days?

Looking at your appearance of being hollowed out by wine, if the third aunt knew that I was not optimistic about you, I would not know how to make trouble when I looked back. You are the only promising person in the family. I brought you this time to keep you here. By Grandpa Jiu's side, don't lose the chain at a critical moment! "

Hearing the buzzing like a fly in his ears, Huo Qi took a deep breath of the cigarette and crushed the remaining half into the ashtray.

With red eyes, he said to the sixth cousin who was sitting beside him, "Sixth brother, I'm really sleepy, and I'm about to become an idiot. Just let me squint for a while, it'll be fine."

After speaking, he folded his arms and leaned on the sofa to close his eyes.

"you you--"

Huo Liu pointed his finger at him, wanting to accuse him of something, and seeing the thick blue in Huo Qi's eyes, he couldn't bear to speak again.

He stared coldly at another young man sitting beside his cousin, got up and raised his hand to him: "Come with me!"

The young man got up and walked to the display cabinet with Huo Liu. Huo Liu asked in a deep voice, "Awen, you have been with Huo Qi all this time. Where did he go, and why did he become like this?"

A young man named Awen stood in front of him, lowered his eyebrows and replied, "Liu Shao, young master, he didn't go anywhere, he just couldn't sleep."

"Fart!" Huo Liu was angry.

This is a lie!

Huo Qi has been thin these days, and his complexion is so ugly that everyone can see that he is out and fooling around.

He thought in his heart that it was the bodyguard Awen who was hiding it for Huo Qi.

Awen: "It's true. During this period of time, the young master was not quite right. He didn't sleep all night. I thought it was the first time that the young master came to Beijing and came to the main house to be nervous. Now it seems a bit evil."

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